shorten >=1pt,
shorten <=1pt,
main node/.style={fill=white, draw, font=\sffamily\scriptsize\bfseries\normalsize, blur shadow, align=center},
hex/.style={main node, rectangle},
blur shadow={shadow opacity=25},
\node [hex] (maintopic) {Social \\ Value};
\node [hex] (ecv) [below left=of maintopic] at (-5,-6) {Economic \\ Value};
\node [hex] (env) [below right=of maintopic] at (5,-6) {Environmental \\ Value};
\draw[<-, transform canvas={shift={(5pt,5pt)}}] (ecv.north) -- node [above,pos=0.25] {\rotatebox[origin=c]{50}{\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Labour, Technology}}} (maintopic.west);
\draw[->, transform canvas={shift={(5pt,-5pt)}}] (ecv.north) -- node [below,pos=0.8] {\rotatebox[origin=c]{50}{\parbox[t][][t]{6cm}{Machinery, Material, Electricity}}} (maintopic.west);
\draw[->, transform canvas={shift={(5pt,5pt)}}] (env.north) -- node [above,pos=0.25] {\rotatebox[origin=c]{315}{\parbox[t][][t]{6.5cm}{Drainage, Management, Protection}}} (maintopic.east);
\draw[<-, transform canvas={shift={(5pt,-5pt)}}] (env.north) --node [below,pos=0.75] {\rotatebox[origin=c]{315}{\parbox[t][][t]{6.5cm}{Water Supply, Resources, Ecology}}} (maintopic.east);
\draw[->, transform canvas={shift={(5pt,5pt)}}] (env) -- node [above] {\rotatebox[origin=c]{0}{\parbox[t][][t]{6.5cm}{Drainage, Development}}}(ecv);
\draw[<-, transform canvas={shift={(5pt,-5pt)}}] (env) -- node [below] {\rotatebox[origin=c]{0}{\parbox[t][][t]{6.5cm}{Water Supply, Resources, Ecology}}}(ecv);
node distance = 33mm and 33mm,
N/.style = {draw, thick, font=\sffamily\bfseries, align=center,
fill=white, outer sep=2mm, blur shadow={shadow opacity=30}},
every edge/.style = {draw, -Straight Barb, semithick},
every edge quotes/.append style = {auto, font=\footnotesize, inner sep=2pt, align=center, sloped}
% Nodes
\node (n1) [N] {Social\\ Value};
\node (n2) [N, below left=of n1] {Economic \\ Value};
\node (n3) [N, below right=of n1] {Environmental \\ Value};
% Arrows
\draw ([yshift= 1mm] n1.west) edge["{Labour, Technology}"] ([xshift=-1mm] n2.north)
([xshift= 1mm] n3.north) edge["{Drainage, Management, Protection}"] ([yshift= 1mm] n1.east)
([yshift=-1mm] n2.east) edge["{Water Supply, Resources, Ecology}" '] ([yshift=-1mm] n3.west);
\draw ([xshift= 1mm] n2.north) edge["{Machinery, Material, Electricity}" '] ([yshift=-1mm] n1.west)
([yshift= 1mm] n3.west) edge["{Drainage, Development}"] ([yshift= 1mm] n2.east)
([yshift=-1mm] n1.east) edge["{Water Supply, Resources, Ecology}" '] ([xshift=-1mm] n3.north);
node distance = 24mm and 24mm,
N/.style = {draw, thick, font=\sffamily\bfseries, align=center,
fill=white, outer sep=2mm, blur shadow={shadow opacity=30}},
every edge/.style = {draw, -Straight Barb, semithick},
every edge quotes/.append style = {auto, font=\footnotesize, inner sep=2pt, align=center, sloped}
% Nodes
\node (n1) [N] {Social\\ Value};
\node (n2) [N, below left=of n1] {Economic \\ Value};
\node (n3) [N, below right=of n1] {Environmental \\ Value};
% Arrows
\draw ([yshift= 1mm] n1.west) edge["{Labour, Technology}"] ([xshift=-1mm] n2.north)
([xshift= 1mm] n3.north) edge["{Drainage, Management,\\ Protection}"] ([yshift= 1mm] n1.east)
([yshift=-1mm] n2.east) edge["{Water Supply, Resources,\\ Ecology}" '] ([yshift=-1mm] n3.west);
\draw ([xshift= 1mm] n2.north) edge["{Machinery, Material,\\ Electricity}" '] ([yshift=-1mm] n1.west)
([yshift= 1mm] n3.west) edge["{Drainage, Development}"] ([yshift= 1mm] n2.east)
([yshift=-1mm] n1.east) edge["{Water Supply, Resources,\\ Ecology}" '] ([xshift=-1mm] n3.north);