我想通过在两个 tikz 图形之间创建插值来生成一个小视频,例如在这些帧之间制作动画:
等等name intersection
理想情况下,我希望有一个解决方案,我只需提供 2 张 tikz 图片,让库自动计算插值,例如基于元素的名称... 如果不存在,我会对如何自己实现它的想法感兴趣。例如,我如何才能连接到fit
/ right=of
/ name intersection
... 来计算节点的宽度和位置?(一个或多或少独立于定位策略的通用协议会很棒!)
- 一个完全手动的解决方案,我需要手动计算节点的绝对位置。
、right=of …
、name intersection=…
- 如果另一种语言的表现力足够好(标签,...),我不介意中间使用另一种语言,甚至采用非基于 tikz 的方法。
- 这也可以改变节点形状(例如将正方形变成圆形)等等...但这肯定只是一个梦想。
% \usepackage[]{animate}
I would like a smooth interpolation (just as a list of pdf pages) between these images:\\
\node(abc) at (0,0) {ABC};
\node(def) at (1cm,.5cm){DEF};
\node(ghi) at (-1.5cm,.5cm){GHI};
\node[fill=green] at (0cm,-2cm){I should disappear, ideally smoothly via opacity.};
\node[fit=(abc)(ghi),fill=red,label={Hey},rounded corners] {};
\node(abc) at (0,0) {ABC};
\node(def) at (1cm,.5cm){DEF};
\node(ghi) at (-1.5cm,.5cm){GHI};
\node[fill=green,opacity=0] at (0cm,-2cm){I should disappear, ideally smoothly via opacity.};
\node[fit=(def)(abc),fill=red,label={Hey},rounded corners] {};
\node(abc) at (0,0) {ABC};
\node(def) at (1cm,.5cm){DEF};
\node(ghi) at (-1.5cm,.5cm){GHI};
\node[fill=green,opacity=0] at (0cm,-2cm){I should disappear, ideally smoothly via opacity.};
\node[right=of abc,minimum width=3cm,fill=red,label={Hey},rounded corners] {};
% Local Variables:
% TeX-command-extra-options: "-shell-escape -halt-on-error"
% End:
\begin{createNewLoop}{nb frames=25}
\node(abc) at (0,0) {ABC};
\node(def) at (2cm,.5cm){DEF};
\node(ghi) at (-1.5cm,.5cm){GHI};
\myAnimatedNode[fill=green,at={(0cm,-2cm)},opacity=1-\blenderpointAnimateFraction](smoothly){I should disappear, ideally smoothly via opacity.};
\myAnimatedNode[fill=red!\blenderpointAnimatePcInvert!purple,rounded corners][fit=(abc)(ghi)][fit=(def)(abc)][label={Hey},](mynode){};
这个想法是自动绘制 2 个幻像节点 ( opacity=0
),并在这两个节点之间添加第三个节点。由于创建这两个节点很烦人,我创建了一个类似 new\node
的函数,它会自动创建 2 个幻像节点,并接受第一个节点和最后一个节点的位置作为任意样式。通过创建一个在主节点之前自动绘制节点的样式,也许可以避免这种情况……但这是第一次尝试。
- 计算边界框时会考虑幻影节点,因此图像看起来不会跳跃
- 它与节点的放置方式无关
% \usepackage[]{animate}
% \myAnimatedNode[common code][code phantom 1 like fit=()][code phantom 2 like right=of ...][code in between, by default](myName){content}
\message{TIKZTIKZ (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \blenderpointAnimateFraction)}
% start hidden node
% First hidden node
% Last node to be drawn
\path let \p1=($(#5-first-hidden.west)-(#5-first-hidden.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\p1)-\pgflinewidth},
\n2 = {veclen(\p2)-\pgflinewidth},
\n3 = {(1-\blenderpointAnimateFraction)*\n1 + \blenderpointAnimateFraction*\n2},
\n4 = {veclen(\p4)-\pgflinewidth},
\n5 = {veclen(\p5)-\pgflinewidth},
\n6 = {(1-\blenderpointAnimateFraction)*\n4 + \blenderpointAnimateFraction*\n5)} in
node[#1,at={($(#5-first-hidden.center)!\blenderpointAnimateFraction!(#5-second-hidden.center)$)}, minimum width=\n3, minimum height=\n6,#4](#5){#6};%
% Instead of writing a loop, we use a (more flexible) recursive function that might be practical later to,
% for instance, quit a loop before the end
\pgfmathparse{int(\blenderpointCurrentframe < \blenderpointNbFrames)}%
% It might be easier to specify stuff in % (0--100) like colors
% It might be easier to invert it 100-…
\pgfmathparse{int(\blenderpointCurrentframe + 1)}%
\pgfmathparse{int(\blenderpointCurrentframePlusOne + 1)}%
% Make sure to include at least 2 frames
nb frames/.store in=\blenderpointNbFrames,
% Internals
current frame/.store in=\blenderpointCurrentframe,
current frame=0,
current frame plus 1/.store in=\blenderpointCurrentframePlusOne,
current frame plus 1=1,
\begin{createNewLoop}{nb frames=25}
\node(abc) at (0,0) {ABC};
\node(def) at (3cm,.5cm){DEF};
\node(ghi) at (-1.5cm,.5cm){GHI};
\myAnimatedNode[fill=green,at={(0cm,-2cm)},opacity=1-\blenderpointAnimateFraction](smoothly){I should disappear, ideally smoothly via opacity.};
\myAnimatedNode[fill=red!\blenderpointAnimatePcInvert!purple,rounded corners][fit=(abc)(ghi)][fit=(def)(abc)][label={Hey},](mynode){};
一种更紧凑且可能更强大的方法,基于动画开始和要变形的节点的最终 BBox 坐标。
\def\framerate{25} % frames per second
\def\duration{2} % [s], animation duration
\multiframe{\inteval{\duration*\framerate+1}}{ % total number of frames = framerate * duration + 1
rPos=0+\fpeval{1/(\duration*\framerate)}, % intermediate partway modifier [0...1]
rOpacity=1+-\fpeval{1/(\duration*\framerate)}, % opacity [1...0]
rColorBlend=100+-\fpeval{100/(\duration*\framerate)} % colour blending [100...0]
\node (abc) at (0,0) {ABC};
\node (def) at (5cm,-1cm){DEF};
\node (ghi) at (-1.5cm,.5cm){GHI};
\node [fill=green,at={(0cm,-2cm)},opacity=\rOpacity] at (0cm,-2cm) {I am fading.};
\node [rounded corners,fit=(abc)(ghi)] (start box) {}; % invisible, defines `start box'
\node [rounded corners,fit=(abc)(def)] (final box) {}; % invisible, defines `final box'
\coordinate (sw) at ($(start box.south west)!\rPos!(final box.south west)$); % "animated" BBox coordinates
\coordinate (ne) at ($(start box.north east)!\rPos!(final box.north east)$);
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background} % "morphed" node, using `fit' and animated BBox coordinates
\node [fill=red!\rColorBlend!purple,rounded corners,label={Hey},fit=(sw)(ne)] (mynode) {};
% invisible (thanks to \savebox), but extends the overall bounding box for all animation frames
\node [fill, rounded corners,label={Hey},fit=(start box.south west)(start box.north east)] {}; %start position
\node [fill, rounded corners,label={Hey},fit=(final box.south west)(final box.north east)] {}; %final position