我正在尝试在 TIKZ 上绘制这个图形,但是在第一个图形上我在以下两点上有点卡住了: 1用红色填充圆圈 2我想要的不是圆形,而是更通用的“形状”
% Initial and target points
\coordinate (start) at (0,0);
\coordinate (end) at (10,3);
% Circle 1
\draw (2.5,2) circle (1.2);
%\node at (2.5,2) {$t_1$};
% Circle 2
\draw (7.5,2) circle (1.2);
%\node at (7.5,2) {$t_3$};
% Trajectory
\draw[smooth,thick] plot[smooth] coordinates{(0,0) (1,0.3) (2,1.5) (2.25,1.75) (2.5,2) (2.75,1.75) (3,1.5) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7.5,2) (8.5,2.5) (9,5) (10,3)};
% Time axis
\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (10,-1) node[right] {$t$};
\foreach \t/\label in {0/$0$,2/$t_1$,3/$t_2$,6/$t_3$,7/$t_4$,10/$T$} {
\draw (\t,-0.9) -- (\t,-1.1) node[below] {\label};
\filldraw (0,0) circle (2pt);
\filldraw (10,3) circle (2pt);
% Label for initial and target points
\node[above] at (start) {Initial point};
\node[above] at (end) {Target point};
欢迎来到 TeX.SE!!!
\draw (A) to[out=30,in=120] (B);
绘制一条曲线,以 30 度角从 A 处开始,以 120 度角从 B 处结束(两个角度均相对于 x 轴)。
\tikzset{point/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=white,inner sep=1pt}}
% dimensions and coordinates
\coordinate (P1) at (\xa,2.5);
\coordinate (P2) at (\xb,2.3);
\coordinate (P3) at (\xc,2.2);
\coordinate (P4) at (\xd,2);
% axes and blue dashed lines
\foreach\i in {0,-4.5}
\draw[blue] (-0.5,\i) -- (10,\i);
\draw[blue] (0,\i+0.1) --++ (0,-0.2) node[below] {\strut$0$};
\draw[blue] (9.5,\i+0.1) --++ (0,-0.2) node[below] {\strut$T$};
\foreach[count=\ii]\i in {\xa,\xb,\xc,\xd}
\draw[blue,dashed] (P\ii) -- (\i,0) node[below] {\strut$t_\ii$};
\draw[blue,dashed] (\i,-1.5) -- (\i,-4.5) node[below] {\strut$t_\ii$};
% shapes
\draw[thin,fill=red!40] (P1) to[out=120,in=170] ++ (1,1.2) to[out=-10,in=180] ++ (0.7,0.2) to[out=0,in=50]
(P2) to[out=230,in=0] ++ (-2,-1) to[out=180,in=-60] cycle;
\draw[thin,fill=red!40] (P3) to[out=110,in=210] ++ (1.3,1.5) to[out=30,in=90] ++ (2,-1) to[out=270,in=30]
(P4) to[out=210,in=0] ++ (-2,-0.6) to[out=180,in=-70] cycle;
% curves
\draw (0,1.8) node[point] {} to[out=30,in=190] (P1) to[out=10,in=170] (P2) to[out=-10,in=190]
(P3) to[out=10,in=150] (P4) to[out=-30,in=170] (9.5,1.5) node[point] {};
\draw[red,dashed] (0,-4) to[out=70,in=110] ++ (0.8,0.6) to[out=-70,in=240] (\xa,-2.5);
\draw[red] (\xa,-2.3) -- (\xb,-2.3);
\draw[red,dashed] (\xb,-3.3) to[out=20,in=200] (\xc,-1.7);
\draw[red] (\xc,-4) -- (\xd,-4);
\draw[red,dashed] (\xd,-3.3) to[out=0,in=180] (9.5,-3.7);