我有这些烦恼margin notes
\title{Margin Notes}
\date{May 2023}
\lipsum[1-1]\footnote{Bla bla bla.} \marginnote{\textcolor{blue}{1. } I'd like that this \textit{marginnote} starts at the same line of \textit{Lorem ipsum} ... and I'd like that a number \textcolor{blue}{1.} appears in same position of the footnote but with color blue.}
\lipsum[2-2]\footnote{Bla bla bla.}
\marginnote{\textcolor{blue}{2. }I dislike this right--justification, I prefer the center--justification.}
我希望这个 \textit{marginnote} 从 \textit{Lorem ipsum} 的同一行开始... 并且我希望数字 \textcolor{blue}{1.} 出现在脚注的同一位置,但颜色为蓝色。此外,我不喜欢这种右对齐,我更喜欢居中对齐。
pdflatex 中可以有这个模板吗?再次提前感谢。
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\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}
\hypertarget{mynote.\thefootnote}{}}\hyperlink{mymark.\thefootnote}{\thefootnote} {#1}}}
\title{Margin Notes}
\date{May 2023}
\mynote{I'd like that this \textit{marginnote} starts at the same line of \textit{Lorem ipsum} ... and I'd like that a number \textcolor{blue}{1.} appears in same position of the footnote but with color blue.}
\mynote{I dislike this right--justification, I prefer the center--justification.}