


\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm }
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\definecolor{MainRed}{rgb}{.8, .1, .1}
\newtcolorbox[auto counter]{exo}[2][]{%
before skip=1.5cm ,
after skip=1.5cm ,
frame hidden,
attach boxed title to top left, 
boxed title style={empty},
\node[circle,fill=\cola!90!black,minimum size=8mm] (circ) at (frame.north west) {};
\node[fill=\cola,anchor=west,minimum height=8mm,minimum width=2.5cm,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}] at (circ) {Exercice};
\node[fill=white,line width=2pt,circle,draw=\cola,minimum size=1cm,right=1.9cm of circ,font=\LARGE\sffamily\color{black!20!teal}] (num) {\thetcbcounter};
\node[rounded rectangle, rounded rectangle west arc=0pt, minimum height=0.7cm,fill=black!20!teal,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}, drop shadow={opacity=.5,shadow xshift=0pt},right=.5cm of num]  {#2};
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
([shift={(-20pt, 13pt)}]frame.north west) coordinate (iniPoint)
-- (iniPoint|-frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=-30pt]frame.south east)
to[out=0, in=-90] ([yshift=30pt]frame.south east)
-- (frame.north east) -- ++(-2.5, 0) coordinate (endPoint) -- ++(-3pt, 3pt) -- ++(-3pt, -3pt)
-- ++(3pt, -3pt) -- (endPoint);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=4pt]iniPoint) -- ++(-8pt, 0);
\draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -10pt) -- ++(12pt, 0);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -14pt)-- ++(12pt, 0);

\begin{exo}{Séries numériques}
Étudier la convergence des séries numériques de termes généraux suivants: 

\displaystyle \mathbf 1.\ u_n=\frac{n}{3^n}&&\displaystyle \mathbf 2.\ u_n=\frac{(-1)^n }{n^{2}}&&\displaystyle \mathbf 3.\  \ u_n=\frac{e^n}{2^{n}+1}\\

\begin{exo}{Suites de fonctions} 
    Soit $f_{n}(x)=\frac{\sin\left(nx\right)}{1+n^{2}\,x^{2}}$ pour $x\in\mathbb{R}$. 
        \item Montrer que $(f_{n})$ converge simplement sur $\mathbb{R}$ vers la fonction $f\equiv 0$.
        \item La suite de fonctions $(f_{n})$ converge-t-elle uniformément vers $f$? 

\begin{exo}{Equations différentielles}
    Résoudre les équations différentielles suivantes:
        \item $\displaystyle{y'-3 y = \textrm{e}^{x}} $
        \item $\displaystyle{y''+2 y' - 3y = \textrm{e}^{-x}}$




如果您要允许breakable,则需要分别定义overlay unbroken未破损的覆盖,以及overlay first,,overlay middle以及overlay last如果盒子破损会发生什么。


\newtcolorbox[auto counter]{exo}[2][]{%
before skip=1.5cm ,
after skip=1.5cm ,
frame hidden,
attach boxed title to top left,
boxed title style={empty},
%%%% The original overlay you specified is used as "overlay unbroken"
overlay unbroken={%
\node[circle,fill=\cola!90!black,minimum size=8mm] (circ) at (frame.north west) {};
\node[fill=\cola,anchor=west,minimum height=8mm,minimum width=2.5cm,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}] at (circ) {Exercice};
\node[fill=white,line width=2pt,circle,draw=\cola,minimum size=1cm,right=1.9cm of circ,font=\LARGE\sffamily\color{black!20!teal}] (num) {\thetcbcounter};
\node[rounded rectangle, rounded rectangle west arc=0pt, minimum height=0.7cm,fill=black!20!teal,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}, drop shadow={opacity=.5,shadow xshift=0pt},right=.5cm of num]  {#2};
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
([shift={(-20pt, 13pt)}]frame.north west) coordinate (iniPoint)
-- (iniPoint|-frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=-30pt]frame.south east)
to[out=0, in=-90] ([yshift=30pt]frame.south east)
-- (frame.north east) -- ++(-2.5, 0) coordinate (endPoint) -- ++(-3pt, 3pt) -- ++(-3pt, -3pt)
-- ++(3pt, -3pt) -- (endPoint);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=4pt]iniPoint) -- ++(-8pt, 0);
\draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -10pt) -- ++(12pt, 0);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -14pt)-- ++(12pt, 0);
%%%% overlay first is almost the same as overlay unbroken, but
%%%%  without the bottom line and the curved bottom right corner.
overlay first={%
\node[circle,fill=\cola!90!black,minimum size=8mm] (circ) at (frame.north west) {};
\node[fill=\cola,anchor=west,minimum height=8mm,minimum width=2.5cm,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}] at (circ) {Exercice};
\node[fill=white,line width=2pt,circle,draw=\cola,minimum size=1cm,right=1.9cm of circ,font=\LARGE\sffamily\color{black!20!teal}] (num) {\thetcbcounter};
\node[rounded rectangle, rounded rectangle west arc=0pt, minimum height=0.7cm,fill=black!20!teal,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}, drop shadow={opacity=.5,shadow xshift=0pt},right=.5cm of num]  {#2};
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
([shift={(-20pt, 13pt)}]frame.north west) coordinate (iniPoint)
-- (iniPoint|-frame.south west);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (frame.south east)
-- (frame.north east) -- ++(-2.5, 0) coordinate (endPoint) -- ++(-3pt, 3pt) -- ++(-3pt, -3pt)
-- ++(3pt, -3pt) -- (endPoint);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=4pt]iniPoint) -- ++(-8pt, 0);
\draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -10pt) -- ++(12pt, 0);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -14pt)-- ++(12pt, 0);
%%%% overlay middle just draws lines on the left and right sides
overlay middle={%
        \draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=-20pt]frame.north west)--([xshift=-20pt]frame.south west);
        \draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (frame.north east)--(frame.south east);
%%%% overlay last is copied from overlay unbroken, but just draws the 
%%%% left and right sides, plus the bottom right corner curve.
overlay last={%
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
([xshift=-20pt]frame.north west) -- ([xshift=-20pt]frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=-30pt]frame.south east)
to[out=0, in=-90] ([yshift=30pt]frame.south east)
-- (frame.north east);
