LaTex Tikz:状态图箭头

LaTex Tikz:状态图箭头

我正在尝试在 tikpiz 中创建此状态图,但 C5、C6、C7 侧面的箭头有问题。如果可能的话,我想弯曲 C8 和 C10,您有什么建议吗?






\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 1]

[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,auto,initial text=, every state/.style={rectangle, width=5cm, minimum height=0.8cm}, every link/.style {thick, shorten >=2pt, shorten <=2pt}]

\node[align=center]  (E) at (0,0)   [rectangle,draw,text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]    {Enrolment};

\node[align=center]  (F) at (0,-2)  [rectangle,draw,text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]     {First year};

\node[align=center]  (S) at (0,-4) [rectangle,draw,text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]     {Second year};

\node[align=center] (A) at (6,-4)  [rectangle,draw,text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]    {Attrition};

\node[align=center] (T) at (0,-6)  [rectangle,draw,text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]     {Third year};

\node[align=center]  (G) at (0,-8) [rectangle,draw,text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]    {Graduate};


(E) edge (F)

(E) -- (F) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?}

(F) edge (S)

(F) -- (S) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?}

(S) edge (T)

(S) -- (T) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?}

(T) edge (G)

(T) -- (G) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?}

(S) edge (A)

(S) -- (A) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?}

(F.east) edge (A.north)

(F.east) -- (A.north) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?}

(T.east) edge (A.south)

(T.east) -- (A.south) node[midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?} ;


(F.west) edge[transform canvas={xshift=-3mm}]  (G.west)

(F.west) -- (G.west) node[transform canvas={xshift=-1.5mm}, midway, circle, draw,fill=white!20] {?} ;
(F.west) -- (G.west) node[transform canvas={xshift=-3mm},midway,draw] {?} ; 




  • arrows.meta对于箭头:
    • > = Latex
  • chains将节点放在一行中的简单方法:
    • start chain
    • every join
    • join = by …
    • 节点自动命名<chain name>-<n><n>默认<chain name>为链
  • positioning(由 加载chains)以便更好地定位相对于彼此的节点:
    • right = of …
    • above = of …
    • 由库使用chains并使用给定的node distance
  • ext.paths.ortho更多正交路径选项:
    • ortho/install shortcuts获得-|安装的密钥-|路径操作对于边→C8 和 C9
    • 路径r-lr操作(通过lr键安装)→C5、C6 和 C7
  • quotes有一个很好的捷径(见quotes mean question mark)将问号放在路径上
    • 这会放置一个带有 的节点,该节点位于?路径上,标签位于具有给定文本的节点


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, chains, ext.paths.ortho, quotes}
  nudge   up/.style={yshift={ (#1)*2mm}}, nudge   up/.default=1,
  nudge down/.style={yshift={-(#1)*2mm}}, nudge down/.default=1,
  /utils/temp/.style={#1/.style={ortho={#1 distance={##1}},to path={r-#1(\tikztotarget)\tikztonodes}}},
  /utils/temp/.list={rl, lr, du, ud},
  qm/.style={circle, draw, fill=white, inner sep=+.15em},
  quotes mean question mark/.style={
    edge quotes mean={edge node={node[qm, label={[direction shorthands,##2]##1}]{?}}}}}
  box/.style={rectangle, draw, text width=3cm, align=center, minimum height=1cm},
  node distance=1.5cm and 2cm,
  start chain=going below,
  every join/.append style={->},
  quotes mean question mark
\foreach[count=\i from 0] \t in {Enrolment, First Year, Second year, Third year, Graduate}
  \node[on chain, box, join=by "C\i" right]{\t};
\node[box, right=of chain-3] (chain-a) {Attrition};

\path[every join, ortho/install shortcuts, ortho/middle 0 to 1]
  ([nudge down] chain-2.west) edge[lr,      near start, "C5" right]              (chain-4)
  ([nudge   up] chain-2.west) edge[lr=15mm, pos=.3,     "C6" right] ([nudge down] chain-5.west)
               (chain-3)      edge[lr=10mm, near end,   "C7" right] ([nudge   up] chain-5.west)
               (chain-2)      edge[-|,      near start, "C8" below]              (chain-a)
               (chain-3)      edge[                     "C9" below]              (chain-a)
               (chain-4)      edge[-|,      near start, "C10"below]              (chain-a)
\node[circle, fill, draw, above=of chain-begin, "Entry Point" right] {} edge[every join] (chain-begin);


