vs RDcite
)或基于 *bib 文件(usera
\usepackage[style=numeric, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\step[fieldsource=identifier, fieldtarget=userb]
\step[fieldsource=revision, fieldtarget=userc]
% Map entries to the "AD" category if "bibtype" is "AD"
\step[fieldsource=usera, match=\regexp{AD}, final]
%\step[category=AD, final]
% Map entries to the "RD" category if "bibtype" is "RD"
\step[fieldsource=usera, match=\regexp{RD}, final]
%\step[category=RD, final]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AD
% Use the custom citation command as the default
\begin{longtable}{| C{\dimexpr0.08\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.5\textwidth-2\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} |}
\rowcolor{lightgray} % Apply the custom row color to the first row
\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Identifier} & \textbf{Revision}\\
& \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userb}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userc}} \\}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RD
% Use the custom citation command as the default
\begin{longtable}{| C{\dimexpr0.08\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.5\textwidth-2\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} |}
\rowcolor{lightgray} % Apply the custom row color to the first row
\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Identifier} & \textbf{Revision}\\
& \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userb}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userc}} \\}
% No title at the start of the bibliography
\section{Applicable and reference documents}
\subsection{Applicable documents}
\captionof{table}{Applicable documents}
\subsection{Reference documents}
\captionof{table}{Reference documents}
usera = {AD},
title = {Document Title 1},
identifier = {ID-001},
revision = {Rev-1},
references.bib 文件:
usera = {RD},
title = {Document Title 2},
identifier = {ID-002},
revision = {Rev-2},
编辑:使用的关键字:所以我在 *.bib 文件中应用了关键字,它就像:
keywords = {AD},
title = {Document Title 1},
identifier = {ID-001},
revision = {Rev-1},
\usepackage[style=numeric, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\usepackage{longtable} % Required for customizing glossary column widths
\step[fieldsource=keywords, match={AD}, final] % Filter for AD
\step[fieldsource=identifier, fieldtarget=userb]
\step[fieldsource=keywords, match={RD}, final] % Filter for RD
\step[fieldsource=identifier, fieldtarget=userb]
\step[fieldsource=revision, fieldtarget=userc]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AD
{\printfield{labelprefix}} % Print the correct labelprefix for AD
% Use the custom citation command as the default
\begin{longtable}{| C{\dimexpr0.08\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.5\textwidth-2\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} |}
\rowcolor{lightgray} % Apply the custom row color to the first row
\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Identifier} & \textbf{Revision}\\
& \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userb}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userc}} \\}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RD
{\printfield{labelprefix}} % Print the correct labelprefix for RD
% Use the custom citation command as the default
\begin{longtable}{| C{\dimexpr0.08\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.5\textwidth-2\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} | L{\dimexpr0.2\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax} |}
\rowcolor{lightgray} % Apply the custom row color to the first row
\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Identifier} & \textbf{Revision}\\
& \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userb}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userc}} \\}
% No title at the start of the bibliography
\section{Applicable and reference documents}
\subsection{Applicable documents}
\printbibtabular[env=bibtabular1, keyword=AD] % Filter for AD
\captionof{table}{Applicable documents}
\subsection{Reference documents}
\printbibtabular[env=bibtabular2, keyword=RD] % Filter for RD
\captionof{table}{Reference documents}
Test \\
\ADcite{doc1} \\
现在情况好多了,但表格中的“适用文件”标签前缀不正确(RD1 而不是 AD1)。目前找不到修复它的方法:
使用 ,事情就简单多了labelprefix
\usepackage[style=numeric, backend=biber, defernumbers]{biblatex}
\usepackage{longtable} % Required for customizing glossary column widths
\step[fieldsource=keywords, match={AD}, final] % Filter for AD
\step[fieldsource=identifier, fieldtarget=userb]
\step[fieldsource=keywords, match={RD}, final] % Filter for RD
\step[fieldsource=identifier, fieldtarget=userb]
\step[fieldsource=revision, fieldtarget=userc]
| C{\dimexpr0.1\textwidth\relax}
| L{\dimexpr0.6\textwidth-8\tabcolsep-5\arrayrulewidth\relax}
| L{\dimexpr0.15\textwidth\relax}
| L{\dimexpr0.15\textwidth\relax} |}
\rowcolor{lightgray} % Apply the custom row color to the first row
\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Identifier} & \textbf{Revision}\\
& \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userb}}
& \plainlang{\printfield{userc}} \\}
keywords = {AD},
title = {Document Title 1},
identifier = {ID-001},
revision = {Rev-1},
keywords = {RD},
title = {Document Title 2},
identifier = {ID-002},
revision = {Rev-2},
\section{Applicable and reference documents}
\subsection{Applicable documents}
\printbibtabular[env=bibtabular, heading=none, keyword=AD] % Filter for AD
\captionof{table}{Applicable documents}
\subsection{Reference documents}
\printbibtabular[env=bibtabular, heading=none, keyword=RD] % Filter for RD
\captionof{table}{Reference documents}