

我正在使用 reledmac(实际上是 reledpar,但这在这里并不重要)作为关键版本。






    Text A

    Text AA
    Text A

    Text AA
    Text A

    Text AA
    Text A

    Text AA


So at this point I would like to save the line number, then insert a different text with its own numbering for comparison.


    Text B

    Text BB
    Text B

    Text BB
    Text B

    Text BB
    Text B

    Text BB

Commentary finished, but what I want is that the A text numbering continues where it broke off and I would like to set the line number that I saved previously.

    Text A Cont

    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont

    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont

    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont

    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont

    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont

    Text AA Cont






您是否尝试过将最后一行保存到计数器?在 reledmac 中,您可以选择在排版给定文本时执行命令 ( \doinsidethislinehook)。


% This is the counter and the command.

    Text A
    Text AA
    Text A
    Text AA
    Text A
    Text AA
    Text A
    Text AA\saveline 
    So at this point I would like to save the line number, then insert a different text with its own numbering for comparison.
    Text B
    Text BB
    Text B
    Text BB
    Text B
    Text BB
    Text B
    Text BB
    Commentary finished, but what I want is that the A text numbering continues where it broke off and I would like to set the line number that I saved previously.
    Text A Cont
    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont
    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont
    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont
    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont
    Text AA Cont
    Text A Cont
    Text AA Cont
