-item 1: a very interesting text, with
lots of words, all on the right
inside this box
-item 2: another very insteresting text,
with lots of complicated words,
all align on the right
-item 3: a very interesting text, with
lots of words, all on the right
inside this box
-item 4: another very insteresting text,
with lots of complicated words,
all align on the right
请尽量使用您能想到的最简单的代码。我不太擅长使用 LaTex。如果这只能通过某些软件包来实现,请向我解释如何调整项目的宽度以及每个项目上的文本可以占用的空间,谢谢。
\begin{enumerate}[label={-item \arabic*:},left=0cm]\raggedright
\item a very interesting text, with
lots of words, all on the right
inside this box
\item another very insteresting text,
with lots of complicated words,
all align on the right
\item a very interesting text, with
lots of words, all on the right
inside this box
\item another very insteresting text,
with lots of complicated words,
all align on the right