以下代码使用 Windows 中的 Times New Roman .ttf 文件,对于使用本地 TeX 编辑器的 Windows 用户来说,加载应该没有问题。
\usepackage{unicode-math} % loads fontspec
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX, BoldFont=Timesbd.ttf, ItalicFont=Timesi.ttf, BoldItalicFont=Timesbi.ttf]{Times.ttf}
\usepackage[main=english, russian]{babel} % english is using american english
\babelposthyphenation{russian}{ |[{0300}-{036F}] }{ remove, {} }
When the unstressed vowels come at the end (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Б\'ыло}), beginning (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Алб\'анка}), or right before the stress (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Пот\'ом}), they sound like Spanish 'A'.
When the unstressed О and А appear two or more syllables before the stress (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Хорош\'о}), or after the stress (\foreignlanguage{russian}{С\'орок}) (but not at the end of the word), it will sound like english 'uh'
如果不在 Windows/在线编辑器上,请使用此代码
\usepackage{unicode-math} % loads fontspec
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Times New Roman}
\usepackage[main=english, russian]{babel} % english is using american english
\babelposthyphenation{russian}{ |[{0300}-{036F}] }{ remove, {} }
When the unstressed vowels come at the end (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Б\'ыло}), beginning (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Алб\'анка}), or right before the stress (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Пот\'ом}), they sound like Spanish 'A'.
When the unstressed О and А appear two or more syllables before the stress (\foreignlanguage{russian}{Хорош\'о}), or after the stress (\foreignlanguage{russian}{С\'орок}) (but not at the end of the word), it will sound like english 'uh'
默认情况下,tex 会对齐段落。也就是说,通过调整单词间距将文本块的右边缘排列成直线,并且使用 microtype 对字母形状进行细微调整。