\title{{\LARGE A note on the generalized maximal numerical range of operators}}
\author{xxxxxxxxx (joint work with xxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)}
\institute{Faculty of Science and xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
\node[below,inner sep=0pt] at (0,{\paperheight/2}) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=5cm]{example-image-a}};
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% Title block with title, author, logo, etc.
\block{Basic Block}{Text}
% FIRST column
\column{0.6}% Width set relative to text width
\block{Large Column}{Text\\Text\\Text Text Text}
\note{Note with default behavior}
\note[targetoffsetx=12cm, targetoffsety=-1cm, angle=20, rotate=25]
{Note \\ offset and rotated}
% First column - second block
\block{Block titles with enough text will automatically obey spacing requirements }
% First column - third block
\block{Sample Block 4}{T\\E\\S\\T}
% SECOND column
%Second column with first block's top edge aligned with with previous column's top.
% Second column - first block
\block[titleleft]{Smaller Column}{Test}
% Second column - second block
\block[titlewidthscale=0.6, bodywidthscale=0.8]
{Variable width title}{Block with smaller width.}
% Second column - third block
\block{}{Block with no title}
% Second column - A collection of blocks in subcolumn environment.
\subcolumn{0.27} \block{1}{First block.} \block{2}{Second block}
\subcolumn{0.4} \block{Sub-columns}{Sample subblocks\\Second subcolumn}
\subcolumn{0.33} \block{4}{Fourth} \block{}{Final Subcolumn block}
% Bottomblock
\block{Final Block in column}{
Sample block.
\block[titleleft, titleoffsetx=2em, titleoffsety=1em, bodyoffsetx=2em,%
bodyoffsety=-2cm, roundedcorners=10, linewidth=0mm, titlewidthscale=0.7,%
bodywidthscale=0.9, bodyverticalshift=2cm, titleright]
{Block outside of Columns}{Along with several options enabled}
% \maketitle[titletotopverticalspace=7cm]