我正在尝试使用 LaTeX 撰写一篇人文学科的论文,虽然它总体上效果不错,但我遇到的一个问题是如何引用一个来源引用另一个来源。由于我无法访问原始资料,因此我不得不将次要来源引用为引用主要来源。
要查看格式问题,请参阅以下 MRE:
address = {Bloomington},
title = {Beethoven in {Russia}: {Music} and {Politics}},
shorttitle = {Beethoven in Russia},
isbn = {978-0-253-06306-9},
urldate = {2024-02-16},
publisher = {Indiana University Press},
author = {Skinner, Frederick W.},
year = {2022},
title = {Sobranie Sochinenii}, % Not original title!
language = {Russian},
author = {Gorky, Maxim},
volume = {17},
address = {Moscow},
publisher = {AN SSSR},
year = {1952},
related = {Skinner2022},
options = {related=true},
relatedstring = {quoted in},
title = {Lenin i Betkhoven},
language = {Russian},
author = {Kedrov, Mikhail},
journal = {Izvestiia Arkhangel'skogo gubrebkoma i Arkhgubkoma RKP(b)},
year = 1920,
related = {Skinner2022},
options = {related=true},
relatedstring = {quoted in},
\usepackage{csquotes, ellipsis}
\usepackage[notes, isbn=false, backend=biber]{biblatex-chicago}
\addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % Your bibliography file
\author{First Last}
\date{15 March 2024}
Quote. \autocite[39--40]{Gorky1952} Reference to main text. \autocite[150]{Skinner2022} Short note reference. \autocite[152]{Skinner2022} Another reference to quoted text. \autocite{Kedrov1920}
\renewcommand{\refname}{Works Cited}
citation for primary source
有办法吗?另外,既然我已经问过了,有没有办法使用 \autocite[]{} 来引用“引用”来源(而不是原始来源)的特定页码?