\tabto 与 nextline \\ 导致行重叠

\tabto 与 nextline \\ 导致行重叠

使用\tabto{...}强制换行\\似乎会引起一种冲突,即在 之前和之后的文本位置出现明显异常\tabto



    \tikz[overlay, gray!20]



    In normal size \tabto{1.6in} text appears on one line

    In small size \tabto{1.6in} text also appears on one line

    In footnote size \tabto{1.6in} text appears on one line too

    In huge size \tabto{1.6in} text appears on one line too

    But \emph{why} does text fall off the lines here\,--- \\[1ex]
    {\tiny\grule          Text \tabto{1in}   in tiny size}\\
    {\scriptsize\grule    Text \tabto{1in}   in script size}\\
    {\footnotesize\grule  Text \tabto{1in}   in footnote size}\\
    {\small\grule         Text \tabto{1in}   in small size}\\
    {\normalsize\grule    Text \tabto{1in}   in normal size}\\
    {\large\grule         Text \tabto{1in}   in large size}\\
    {\Large\grule         Text \tabto{1in}   in Large size}\\
    {\LARGE\grule         Text \tabto{1in}   in LARGE size}\\
    {\huge\grule          Text \tabto{1in}   in huge size}\\
    {\Huge\grule          Text \tabto{1in}   in Huge size}

    or prefer to stay above in case of the last line\,?

    Why do the last two lines of text overlap with the previous ones either\,??







对于小文本,这只会产生较大的行间空间,但对于大文本,无法实现基线,并且 tex 将回到不均匀的\lineskip间距。





    \tikz[overlay, gray!20]



    In normal size \tabto{1.6in} text appears on one line

    In small size \tabto{1.6in} text also appears on one line

    In footnote size \tabto{1.6in} text appears on one line too

    In huge size \tabto{1.6in} text appears on one line too


    But \emph{why} does text fall off the lines here\,--- \\[1ex]
    {\tiny\grule          Text \xtabto{1in}   in tiny size}\\
    {\scriptsize\grule    Text \xtabto{1in}   in script size}\\
    {\footnotesize\grule  Text \xtabto{1in}   in footnote size}\\
    {\small\grule         Text \xtabto{1in}   in small size}\\
    {\normalsize\grule    Text \xtabto{1in}   in normal size}\\
    {\large\grule         Text \xtabto{1in}   in large size}\\
    {\Large\grule         Text \xtabto{1in}   in Large size}\\
    {\LARGE\grule         Text \xtabto{1in}   in LARGE size}\\
    {\huge\grule          Text \xtabto{1in}   in huge size}\\
    {\Huge\grule          Text \xtabto{1in}   in Huge size}

    or prefer to stay above in case of the last line\,?

    Why do the last two lines of text overlap with the previous ones either\,??

