Mailman 日志文件

Mailman 日志文件

我正在尝试找出谁从 mailman 列表中取消订阅了特定电子邮件。我在 /var/log/mailman/subscribe 中找到了用户被删除的位置。但它只是显示“已删除[电子邮件保护]網站確認”。



除了您找到的日志文件外,没有其他日志文件。当然,如果进行 Web 访问,您可以检查 Web 服务器日志。

以下是 /var/log/mailman/subscribe 中的操作和相应的日志文件条目列表

$ echo "[email protected]" | add_members -r - test-l
Nov 07 16:35:27 2009 (22151) test-l: new [email protected],

$ echo "[email protected]" | add_members -r - --admin-notify=n test-l
Nov 07 16:35:27 2009 (22151) test-l: new [email protected],

$ remove_members test-l [email protected]
Nov 07 16:38:52 2009 (22491) test-l: deleted [email protected]; bin/remove_members

$ remove_members --noadminack test-l [email protected]
Nov 07 16:39:57 2009 (22630) test-l: deleted [email protected]; bin/remove_members

# admin selected "unsub" from membership list page
Nov 07 16:41:45 2009 (23156) test-l: deleted [email protected]; member mgt page

# unsubscribed by means of mass removal page
Nov 07 16:42:22 2009 (23259) test-l: deleted [email protected]; admin mass unsub

# user unsubscribed by means of URL confirmation
Nov 07 16:44:59 2009 (23422) test-l: deleted [email protected]; web confirmation

# user unsubscribed by means of e-mail confirmation
Nov 07 16:47:03 2009 (10384) test-l: deleted [email protected]; email confirmation

这是在 Debian Etch 上运行的 Mailman 2.1.9。$代表命令提示符。HTH。
