Windows 7 上的 vmware player,Windows 从 Vista 升级后,不显示以太网端口

Windows 7 上的 vmware player,Windows 从 Vista 升级后,不显示以太网端口

我刚刚将笔记本电脑升级到 Windows 7,但 VMWare Player 无法连接到 NIC,因此我无法使用 Ubuntu VM 连接到其自身之外的任何东西

下面是 VMWare.log 出错时显示的日志。我在 Google 上搜索过,但找不到答案,所以希望各位好心人能帮助我 :)

Dec 21 19:17:08.697: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'synctime' -> '0'
Dec 21 19:17:08.730: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config
Dec 21 19:19:00.088: mks| Setting thread 40 stack size to 1048576.
Dec 21 20:23:02.392: mks| Setting thread 40 stack size to 1048576.
Dec 21 20:23:05.127: vmx| VNET: MACVNetPort_Connect: Ethernet1: can't get driver version (6)
Dec 21 20:23:05.127: vmx| Msg_Post: Error
Dec 21 20:23:05.127: vmx| [msg.vnet.connectvnet] Could not connect Ethernet1 to virtual network "VMnet8". More information can be found in the vmware.log file.
Dec 21 20:23:05.127: vmx| [msg.device.badconnect] Failed to connect virtual device Ethernet1.
Dec 21 20:23:05.127: vmx| ----------------------------------------
Dec 21 20:23:09.371: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'synctime' -> '0'
Dec 21 20:23:09.403: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config


