LVM2 从根逻辑卷中 vgreduce 未知物理卷 CentOS8

LVM2 从根逻辑卷中 vgreduce 未知物理卷 CentOS8


[root@localhost ~]# vgs
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: VG cl is missing PV 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV cl/root while checking used and assumed devices.
  VG #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize VFree
  cl   2   3   0 wz-pn- 8,99g    0
[root@localhost ~]# pvs
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: VG cl is missing PV 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV cl/root while checking used and assumed devices.
  PV         VG Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sda2  cl lvm2 a--  <7,00g    0
  [unknown]  cl lvm2 a-m  <2,00g    0
[root@localhost ~]# lvs
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: VG cl is missing PV 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV cl/root while checking used and assumed devices.
  LV   VG Attr       LSize    Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  home cl -wi-ao---- 1016,00m
  root cl -wi-ao--p-   <7,20g
  swap cl -wi-ao----  820,00m

[root@localhost ~]# vgreduce --removemissing --force cl
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: VG cl is missing PV 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV cl/root while checking used and assumed devices.
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Removing partial LV cl/root.
  Logical volume cl/root contains a filesystem in use.

我在我的 bash 历史记录中找到了 lvextend 命令:

lvm lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/cl/root



  1. 备份 /etc/lvm/archive 中的好的 .vg 文件(其中只有 1 个 PV,没有未知的 PV)
  2. 启动 Live CD
  3. 复制 .vg
  4. vgreduce cl --removemissing --force (成功删除 /cl/root)
  5. vgcfgrestore -f 备份.vg cl


cl/root 跨越两个 PV;您需要两个磁盘才能使用该卷。据推测 cl/root 安装在 / 上。您无法减少此 LV,也无法卸载它,因为它包含您的大部分系统。

我认为文件系统已经扩展,并且是 XFS,因此无法缩小。


如果可能,附加缺失的 PV。使用 添加至少与缺失大小相同的另一个 PV vgextend。使用 将范围从坏磁盘移出pvmove。空 PV 不需要强制: vgreduce --removemissing cl

如果这不起作用,请重建。创建一个新的 VG 并恢复数据。由于这是根,请重新安装一个新的 OS 实例。

考虑创建与操作系统分开的数据 LV。这样以后就可以卸载和删除部分 LV。并且使 LVM 能够使用 LV 执行多项有用的操作。



丢失的 PV 存在,但已损坏。我认为这是因为命令顺序错误。首先添加 PV (/dev/sdb),扩展 VG 和 LV,然后使用 fdisk 创建分区。

我在 virtualbox 中重现了该问题,并添加了一个磁盘(大小相同)。pvcreate 成功,但 vgextend 失败:

[root@localhost ~]# vgextend cl -v /dev/sdc
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: VG cl is missing PV 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV cl/root while checking used and assumed devices.
  Wiping signatures on new PV /dev/sdc.
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: VG cl is missing PV 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV cl/root while checking used and assumed devices.
  WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 3GDhRA-KZjA-iDum-8Ut0-s9s0-NnW2-4QQEUv.
  There are 1 physical volumes missing.
  Archiving volume group "cl" metadata (seqno 6).
  Segmentation fault (core dumped)

还有其他建议吗?Live CD magic,还是 UUID 更改?
