debconf-set-selection 用于 openssh-server “禁用 root 登录”提示

debconf-set-selection 用于 openssh-server “禁用 root 登录”提示

我正在尝试设置非交互式升级(从 Wheezy 升级到 Jessie)。我收到一个提示,要求我禁用通过 ssh 进行的 root 登录,我想回答“否”。我可以使用 预先设置该选项吗debconf-set-selection

我如何才能知道 conf 选项的名称?我尝试使用debconf-get-selection,我猜设置了以下四个选项:

root@beaglebone:~# debconf-get-selections | grep ssh
openssh-server  ssh/use_old_init_script boolean true
openssh-server  ssh/vulnerable_host_keys    note    
openssh-server  ssh/disable_cr_auth boolean false
openssh-server  ssh/encrypted_host_key_but_no_keygen    note

还有其他可用于 openssh-server 的吗?我如何找出它们是什么?



#### openssh-server_6.7p1-5+deb8u4_amd64.deb

### Description: Disable SSH password authentication for root?
#   Previous versions of openssh-server permitted logging in as root over SSH
#   using password authentication. The default for new installations is now
#   "PermitRootLogin without-password", which disables password authentication
#   for root without breaking systems that have explicitly configured SSH
#   public key authentication for root.
#   .
#   This change makes systems more secure against brute-force password
#   dictionary attacks on the root user (a very common target for such
#   attacks). However, it may break systems that are set up with the
#   expectation of being able to SSH as root using password authentication. You
#   should only make this change if you do not need to do that.
# d-i openssh-server/permit-root-login boolean false
