我在 BASH 中输入了一个长命令,但就在我输入命令时,我发现命令或参数拼写错误。我希望使用就地搜索将光标转到我拼写错误的参数或命令,而不是按箭头键转到特定命令或参数。
ls *.txt | grep -e 'foo' >> list_of_text_files_containing_foo.txt
并且我想通过在命令中查找并替换为 来将foo
grep 中的更改为,而无需按箭头键。有没有办法将所有出现的 更改为。bar
您可能对最后一条命令中的 bash 快速替换感兴趣:
$ ls *.txt | grep -e 'foo' >> list_of_text_files_containing_foo.txt
$ !!:gs/foo/bar
ls *.txt | grep -e 'bar' >> list_of_text_files_containing_bar.txt
有关 bash 替换的更多信息,请man bash
从第 3630 行开始阅读。
我认为您无法进行就地搜索,而是学习键盘快捷键来处理 Bash。
Ctrl + L Clear the Screen, similar to the clear command
Ctrl + u Cut/delete the line before the cursor position.
Alt + Del Delete the Word before the cursor.
Alt + d Delete the Word after the cursor.
Ctrl + d Delete character under the cursor
Ctrl + h Delete character before the cursor (Backspace)
Ctrl + w Cut the Word before the cursor to the clipboard.
Ctrl + k Cut the Line after the cursor to the clipboard.
Alt + t Swap current word with previous
Ctrl + t Swap the last two characters before the cursor (typo).
Esc + t Swap the last two words before the cursor.
ctrl + y Paste the last thing to be cut (yank)
Alt + u UPPER capitalize every character from the cursor to the end of the current word.
Alt + l Lower the case of every character from the cursor to the end of the current word.
Alt + c Capitalize the character under the cursor and move to the end of the word.
Alt + r Cancel the changes and put back the line as it was in the history (revert).
ctrl + _ Undo
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