

OpenSuse 42.1 + KDE 5

我在脚本中使用 kdialog 来通知我进程的开始/结束

while inotifywait -r -e modify -e create -e delete ~/www/gruz.org.uab/www/; do
    kdialog --passivepopup 'Started' --title 'UNISON update';
    unison   -ui text -auto -batch gruz.org.uab
    kdialog --passivepopup 'Finished' --title 'UNISON update';



我读到类似的东西qdbus org.kde.JobViewServer.requestView,但由于缺乏知识而未能实施。


  • 执行一个过程
  • 托盘中的启动指示器
  • 完成时停止指示器



从 shell 脚本使用的问题qdbus org.kde.JobViewServer.requestView在于,它的设计目的是在发出请求的 D-Bus 客户端退出时删除通知,因此dbus-send和等工具qdbus将无法工作,因为它们在调用requestView.

如果您用来qdbusviewer创建请求,您可以尝试使用这样的调用,它会起作用,但我怀疑您是否会找到任何现成的东西,您可以从 shell 脚本调用它们来保持连接打开你。

# Assuming qdbusviewer got /JobViewServer/JobView_15 from the call...

qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setInfoMessage 'Frobnicating the foobles...'
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setDescriptionField 1 Cromulence fair
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setPercent 25
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setSpeed 200
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setTotalAmount 100000 bytes
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setProcessedAmount 200 bytes

qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.terminate 'Received Ctrl+C'

但是,如果您愿意使用一点 Python 而不是 shell 脚本,我可以提供一个示例我可以保证,对于相同的任务,Python 是 shell 脚本的一个非常好的替代方案。


#!/usr/bin/env python

# This line opts into some Python 3.x features if you run Python 2.x
# and must go at the top of the file because it changes how the file is parsed.
# (Specifically, the Python 3.x print() syntax and sane division)
from __future__ import print_function, division

# These lines are analogous to `source` in a shell script
# The `import` statement searches `sys.path` for the requested packages
import fnmatch, os, subprocess, time

# I'm not sure what package you'll need on OpenSUSE, but this comes from
# python-dbus on Debian, *buntu, and Mint.
import dbus

# -- Get a handle for the D-Bus API to create a new Job --

session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()

# A simple little helper function to paper over some complexity
# See Also: https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/doc/tutorial.html
def get_dbus_interface(name, path, interface):
    obj = session_bus.get_object(name, path)
    return dbus.Interface(obj, dbus_interface=interface)

create_handle = get_dbus_interface(
    'org.kde.kuiserver', '/JobViewServer', 'org.kde.JobViewServer')

# -- Create a Job and get a handle to manipulate it --

# requestView takes (appName, appIconName, capabilities)
# https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2008-April/009410.html
# ...but according to the source code, capabilities never got hooked up, so
# the pause and stop buttons will always be there, whether or not you're
# listening for them. (And stop will always kill the popup.)
request_path = create_handle.requestView('MyTestApp', 'download', 0)
request_handle = get_dbus_interface(
    'org.kde.kuiserver', request_path, 'org.kde.JobViewV2')

# -- Set up a fake task for demonstration purposes --
files = os.listdir('/etc')  # NOTE: Check out os.walk() for recursive
file_count = len(files)
wait_per_file = 5.0 / file_count  # Add 2 seconds to the total runtime

# -- Configure the bits of the popup that won't change in our example --
request_handle.setInfoMessage('Echoing files in /etc')
request_handle.setTotalAmount(file_count, 'files')
request_handle.setSpeed(200 * 1024**4)  # 200 TiB/s

# -- Do our fake work --

# NOTE: In Python, indentation outside of () and [] is significant
    for position, filename in enumerate(files):
        # Visible in the collapsed view
        request_handle.setPercent((position / file_count) * 100)
        request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, 'Source', filename)
        request_handle.setDescriptionField(1, 'Destination', filename)

        # These are for the expanded view
        request_handle.setProcessedAmount(position, 'files')

        # Here's some fake work so you can see how to call subprocesses
        subprocess.call(['echo', filename])

    # Set the final state of the popup that will be left behind
    request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "", "Completed successfully.")
    request_handle.terminate("All done")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Ctrl+C Pressed")
    request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "Cancelled", "Ctrl+C Pressed")
    request_handle.terminate("Cancelled from outside")
    # This gets called no matter what
    print("Doing fake cleanup")

print("%s of the files were *.conf" % len(fnmatch.filter(files, '*.conf')))


我修改了你的 python 脚本,以便运行带有进度指示器的 bash 命令。您看不到进度,但可以查看某些内容是否仍在运行。

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This line opts into some Python 3.x features if you run Python 2.x
# and must go at the top of the file because it changes how the file is parsed.
# (Specifically, the Python 3.x print() syntax and sane division)
from __future__ import print_function, division

# These lines are analogous to `source` in a shell script
# The `import` statement searches `sys.path` for the requested packages
import subprocess, time

# I'm not sure what package you'll need on OpenSUSE, but this comes from
# python-dbus on Debian, *buntu, and Mint.
import dbus

# Get command line parameters
import sys

# Run bash script in background
import threading

# -- Get a handle for the D-Bus API to create a new Job --

session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()

# A simple little helper function to paper over some complexity
# See Also: https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/doc/tutorial.html
def get_dbus_interface(name, path, interface):
    obj = session_bus.get_object(name, path)
    return dbus.Interface(obj, dbus_interface=interface)

def run_bash_command(command):
        subprocess.call(command, shell=False)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception: ")

def main():
    create_handle = get_dbus_interface(
        'org.kde.kuiserver', '/JobViewServer', 'org.kde.JobViewServer')

    # -- Create a Job and get a handle to manipulate it --

    # requestView takes (appName, appIconName, capabilities)
    # https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2008-April/009410.html
    # ...but according to the source code, capabilities never got hooked up, so
    # the pause and stop buttons will always be there, whether or not you're
    # listening for them. (And stop will always kill the popup.)
    request_path = create_handle.requestView('bash', 'download', 0)
    request_handle = get_dbus_interface(
        'org.kde.kuiserver', request_path, 'org.kde.JobViewV2')

    # -- Configure the bits of the popup that won't change in our example --

    # NOTE: In Python, indentation outside of () and [] is significant
        worker = threading.Thread(target=run_bash_command, args=[sys.argv[1:]])
        #        for position, filename in enumerate(files):
        #            # Visible in the collapsed view
        request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, 'Command:', str(sys.argv[1]))
        request_handle.setDescriptionField(1, 'Arguments:', str(sys.argv[2:]))
        while worker.isAlive():

        # Set the final state of the popup that will be left behind
        request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "", "Finished.")
#        request_handle.clearDescriptionField(1)
        request_handle.terminate("All done")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "Cancelled", "Ctrl+C Pressed")
        request_handle.terminate("Cancelled from outside")
        # This gets called no matter what

