Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 登录循环(输入密码后立即退出)

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 登录循环(输入密码后立即退出)

就在发生这种情况之前,我正在使用 conda(和 sudo)更新一些软件包,还为 jupyter notebook 安装了一些插件(不知道这些是否与我的问题有关)。由于我的磁盘已满(/ 目录的使用率为 100%),所以出现了问题。我以为这是错误的,因为我刚刚删除了一些东西,所以我重新启动了。现在,当我进入 ubuntu GUI 中的登录屏幕时,当我输入密码并按回车键时,GUI 会像往常一样消失,但 3 秒后,它会发出笨拙的“错误”声音并返回。我仍然可以使用 control alt F1 登录到终端窗口。当我尝试登录到访客帐户(甚至没有密码)时,也会发生此登录循环。


- Freed up disk space (I used sudo apt-get autoremove; I now have under 80% usage on all my drives)

- Restarting lightdm

- Removed /var/crash/*

- sudo chmod 777 ~/.ICEauthority

- sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* 

- chown username:username .Xauthority

- purging and reinstall lightdm

- Checking PATH in ~/.profile (PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" looks normal to me)

- rebooted after all these steps

我的.xsession-errors 文件是:

X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Major opcode of failed request:  154 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
Value in failed request:  0x0
Serial number of failed request:  30
Current serial number in output stream:  31
openConnection: connect: No such file or directory  
cannot connect to brltty at :0    
upstart: gnome-session (Unity) main process (1848) terminated with status 1
upstart: unity-settings-daemon main process (1840) killed by TERM signal
upstart: Disconnected from notified D-Bus bus
upstart: logrotate main process (1679) killed by TERM signal
upstart: hud main process (1838) killed by TERM signal
upstart: bamfdaemon main process (1771) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-bluetooth main process (1904) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-power main process (1905) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-application main process (1944) killed by TERM signal


编辑:在 ask ubuntu 和 reddit 上尝试了各种方法大约六个小时后,我仍然无法获得它。所以我只是重新安装了操作系统(好吧,我安装了当前版本,20. 左右)。
