我的 ThinkPad X220 上安装了 Kubuntu 13.04,升级到 13.10 后无法连接有线或无线。新的网络托盘图标根本不显示任何条目。
需要 NetworkManager 0.9.8,发现。
** (process:3695): WARNING **: Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.64" (uid=1000 pid=3695 comm="nmcli con ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" (uid=0 pid=1116 comm="NetworkManager ")
Error: nmcli ( and NetworkManager (unknown) versions don't match. Force execution using --nocheck, but the results are unpredictable.
nmcli 开发
** (process:3700): WARNING **: Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.65" (uid=1000 pid=3700 comm="nmcli dev ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" (uid=0 pid=1116 comm="NetworkManager ")
Error: nmcli ( and NetworkManager (unknown) versions don't match. Force execution using --nocheck, but the results are unpredictable.
nm 工具
** (process:3705): WARNING **: Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.66" (uid=1000 pid=3705 comm="nm-tool ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" (uid=0 pid=1116 comm="NetworkManager ")
NetworkManager Tool
State: unknown
** (process:3705): WARNING **: error: could not connect to NetworkManager
不过,以 root 身份运行这些程序是可行的。我还可以运行这些程序,nmcli con up id DHCP
连接就可以正常工作,并且可以访问互联网。不过,使用 Wifi 连接则不行,而我确实需要这些程序。
如果 root 用户可以执行您无法执行的操作,则表明 policykit 权限存在问题。
打开终端(++ Ctrl)并运行AltT
sudo service network-manager status //Note the process-id (995 in your case as per the comment)
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo service network-manager status //See if it's still running; if not, enter next command
sudo dpkg-reconfigure policykit-1 policykit-desktop-privileges consolekit polkit-kde-1
sudo service network-manager restart
至于即使以 root 身份也无法使用 WLAN/WiFi(如果问题仍未解决),请使用 WLAN NIC 名称更新 Q。驱动程序可能有故障,您可能需要备用驱动程序。