我使用 juju 在一台机器上安装了 Glance,在另一台机器上安装了 ceph。Ceph 在一台机器上运行,但我尝试在 Glance 和 ceph 之间建立关系,它总是显示 hook-failed。
我检查了 glacne 日志文件,上面显示以下内容,但我可以从 Glance 机器访问 ceph。此外,我观察了 ceph.conf 文件,发现指定了 mon 主机。我不明白为什么会出现错误?
INFO ceph-relation-changed unable to find any monitors in conf. please specify monitors via -m monaddr or -c ceph.conf
2014-05-20 14:57:20 INFO ceph-relation-changed couldn't connect to cluster! error -2
2014-05-20 14:57:20 INFO ceph-relation-changed unable to find any monitors in conf. please specify monitors via -m monaddr or -c ceph.conf
2014-05-20 14:57:20 INFO ceph-relation-changed couldn't connect to cluster! error -2
2014-05-20 14:57:20 INFO ceph-relation-changed unable to find any monitors in conf. please specify monitors via -m monaddr or -c ceph.conf
2014-05-20 14:57:20 INFO ceph-relation-changed Error connecting to cluster: ObjectNotFound
2014-05-20 14:57:20 INFO ceph-relation-changed Traceback (most recent call last):