SyncEvolution:“无法比较”并且不再有 CardDav 同步

SyncEvolution:“无法比较”并且不再有 CardDav 同步

我有一部 Ubuntu 手机,它使用 syncevolution 作为联系人的后端。我使用命令行将我的 CardDav 联系人放在手机上。但自从我从自签名证书切换到 letsencrypt(无论是否相关)后,我遇到了大量错误。

$ syncevolution owncloud contacts
[WARNING] owncloud: ignoring username , it is not needed
[INFO] @default/9frfrenchholiday: inactive
[INFO] @default/9rd2q8ps5e2r48skvidunfkoms8: inactive
[INFO] @default/addressbook: inactive
[INFO] @default/calendar: inactive
[INFO] @default/memo: inactive
[INFO] @default/todo: inactive
[WARNING] owncloud: ignoring username , it is not needed
[INFO @owncloud] target side of local sync ready
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/addressbook: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/calendar: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/memo: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/todo: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: using configured database=[censored!]
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: starting slow sync, two-way (peer is server)
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: slow sync done unsuccessfully
[ERROR @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: local, status 20048
[ERROR @owncloud] error code from Synthesis engine local, status 20048

Synchronization failed, see /home/phablet/.cache/syncevolution/target_+config@owncloud-2017-04-19-10-34-a/syncevolution-log.html for details.

Changes applied during synchronization (@owncloud):
|               |       @owncloud       |       @default        | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|      contacts |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|      slow, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received                       |
|      unexpected slow sync (local, status 22000)                     |
|          start Wed Apr 19 10:34:14 2017, duration 0:01min           |
|             unexpected slow sync (local, status 22000)              |
First ERROR encountered: local, status 20048

Doing a slow synchronization may lead to duplicated items or
lost data when the server merges items incorrectly. Choosing
a different synchronization mode may be the better alternative.
Restart synchronization of affected source(s) with one of the
following sync modes to recover from this problem:
    slow, refresh-from-server, refresh-from-client

Analyzing the current state:
    syncevolution --status target-config@owncloud contacts

Running with one of the three modes:
    syncevolution --sync [slow|refresh-from-remote|refresh-from-local] target-config@owncloud contacts
[ERROR] error code from SyncEvolution unexpected slow sync (local, status 22000): failure on target side @owncloud of local sync
[INFO] @default/contacts: inactive
[ERROR] @default/contacts: aborted on behalf of user (local, status 20017)
[INFO] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)

Synchronization failed, see /home/phablet/.cache/syncevolution/owncloud-2017-04-19-10-34/syncevolution-log.html for details.

Changes applied during synchronization:
|               |       @default        |       @owncloud       | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|      contacts |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|      unexpected slow sync (local, status 22000)                     |
|          start Wed Apr 19 10:34:13 2017, duration 0:02min           |
|             unexpected slow sync (local, status 22000)              |
First ERROR encountered: local, status 20048

Doing a slow synchronization may lead to duplicated items or
lost data when the server merges items incorrectly. Choosing
a different synchronization mode may be the better alternative.


First ERROR encountered: local, status 20048

Doing a slow synchronization may lead to duplicated items or
lost data when the server merges items incorrectly. Choosing
a different synchronization mode may be the better alternative.
Restart synchronization of affected source(s) with one of the
following sync modes to recover from this problem:
    slow, refresh-from-server, refresh-from-client

Analyzing the current state:
    syncevolution --status owncloud contacts

Running with one of the three modes:
    syncevolution --sync [slow|refresh-from-remote|refresh-from-local] owncloud contacts


Data modified @default during synchronization:
*** @default/calendar ***
Comparison was impossible.



phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ syncevolution --print-sessions owncloud
|               |         LOCAL         |        REMOTE         | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|      contacts |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  1  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|      two-way, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received                    |
|      item(s) in database backup: 2 before sync, 2 after it          |
|          start Thu Apr 20 11:04:51 2017, duration 0:05min           |
|               synchronization completed successfully                |

|               |         LOCAL         |        REMOTE         | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|      contacts |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  1  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|      two-way, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received                    |
|      item(s) in database backup: 2 before sync, 2 after it          |
|          start Thu Apr 20 11:05:24 2017, duration 0:05min           |
|               synchronization completed successfully                |


phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ syncevolution --restore /home/phablet/.cache/syncevolution/owncloud-2017-04-20-11-05 --before owncloud contacts
[INFO] 9frfrenchholiday: inactive
[INFO] 9rd2q8ps5e2r48skvidunfkoms8: inactive
[INFO] addressbook: inactive
[INFO] calendar: inactive
[INFO] memo: inactive
[INFO] todo: inactive
[INFO] contacts: restore from backup
Data changes to be applied locally during restore:
*** contacts ***
Comparison was impossible.

[INFO] contacts: started
[INFO] contacts: restore done successfully
[INFO] Item changes that were applied locally during restore:
[INFO] +---------------------------------------|-----------------------------+
[INFO] |                                       |            LOCAL            |
[INFO] |                                Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR |TOTAL|
[INFO] +---------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
[INFO] |                              contacts |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  2  |
[INFO] +---------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
[INFO] The same incremental changes will be applied to the server during the next sync.
[INFO] Use -sync refresh-from-client to replace the complete data on the server.


phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ syncevolution --sync=refresh-from-client owncloud contacts
[WARNING] owncloud: ignoring username , it is not needed
[INFO] @default/9frfrenchholiday: inactive
[INFO] @default/9rd2q8ps5e2r48skvidunfkoms8: inactive
[INFO] @default/addressbook: inactive
[INFO] @default/calendar: inactive
[INFO] @default/memo: inactive
[INFO] @default/todo: inactive
[WARNING] owncloud: ignoring username , it is not needed
[INFO @owncloud] target side of local sync ready
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/addressbook: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/calendar: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/memo: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/todo: inactive
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: using configured database=[censored!]
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: starting first time sync from client (peer is server)
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: sent 2/2
[INFO] @default/contacts: starting slow sync from client (peer is client)
[INFO] creating complete data backup of datastore contacts before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@default data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @default/contacts ***
Comparison was impossible.

[INFO] @default/contacts: deleting "test estse"
[INFO] @default/contacts: deleting "Gvv"
[INFO] @default/contacts: deleting 2/2
[INFO] @default/contacts: started
[INFO] @default/contacts: adding "test estse"
[INFO] @default/contacts: adding "Gvv"
[INFO] @default/contacts: received 2
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: started
[INFO] @default/contacts: slow sync done successfully
[INFO @owncloud] @owncloud/contacts: first time sync done successfully

Synchronization successful.

Changes applied during synchronization (@owncloud):
|               |       @owncloud       |       @default        | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|      contacts |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  2  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|      refresh-from-local, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received         |
|          start Thu Apr 20 11:24:17 2017, duration 0:04min           |
|               synchronization completed successfully                |
[INFO] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)

Synchronization successful.

Changes applied during synchronization:
|               |       @default        |       @owncloud       | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|      contacts |  2  |  0  |  2  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|      refresh-from-remote, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received        |
|      item(s) in database backup: 2 before sync, 2 after it          |
|          start Thu Apr 20 11:24:17 2017, duration 0:04min           |
|               synchronization completed successfully                |

Data modified @default during synchronization:
*** @default/contacts ***
Comparison was impossible.


Ubuntu Touch 从未真正内置 Caldav 和 Carddav 等简单同步功能,这真是令人遗憾。我希望看到 ubports 或应用程序开发人员能够在这方面有所作为。


syncevolution --print-sessions


syncevolution -remove每一个?

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