![设备驱动程序和 INF 文件到底是什么?](https://linux22.com/image/1342085/%E8%AE%BE%E5%A4%87%E9%A9%B1%E5%8A%A8%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F%E5%92%8C%20INF%20%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E5%88%B0%E5%BA%95%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%EF%BC%9F.png)
我知道设备驱动程序是一种使操作系统能够与硬件通信的软件,但最近我听说了 INF 文件,并对此感到很困惑。一些消息来源说 INF 文件用于驱动程序安装,而另一些消息来源说 INF 文件用于提供有关硬件的信息。最近,我偶然发现了英特尔芯片组设备软件(或 INF 更新实用程序)。它到底有什么用处?
两者都正确。INF 文件用于驱动程序安装,和用于提供有关硬件的信息。
An INF file (stands for information) or Setup Information file, is a plain text file used by Microsoft Windows for installation of software and drivers. INF files are most commonly used for installing device drivers for hardware components. (...) INF files are part of the Windows Setup API.
Device information (INF) files provide information used by Windows 95 to install software that supports a given hardware device. When hardware manufactures introduce new products, they must create INF files to explicitly define the resources and files required for each class of device.
An INF file is organized in several sections which define information that Setup and the hardware detection process use to determine the resource needs of the hardware device and to install software for that device. An INF file is organized by hardware, with each class of device described in its own section.
INF 文件自 Windows 95 以来就已经存在。如果您使用记事本(或其他文本编辑器)打开 INF 文件,您会发现它是一个包含许多参数的文本文档(这些参数在我上面链接的 Technet 文章中进行了解释)。
在至少 Windows 95 和 XP 中,如果右键单击 INF 文件,会出现一个名为“安装”的选项。虽然我通过这种方式安装驱动程序的成功程度各不相同(总是在安装/驱动程序 CD 文件夹中的 INF 文件上),但推荐的安装驱动程序的方式是运行设备附带的 CD 上的 setup.exe 文件。很多时候 INF 文件只是作为过程的一部分而存在。