我环顾四周,没有发现任何东西,就我所见,人们总是对什么感到满意登录配置文件正在提供,这是有趣的部分man logind.conf
HandlePowerKey=, HandleSuspendKey=, HandleHibernateKey=, HandleLidSwitch=, HandleLidSwitchDocked=
Controls how logind shall handle the system power and sleep keys and the lid switch to trigger actions such as system power-off or suspend. Can be one of "ignore", "poweroff", "reboot", "halt", "kexec", "suspend", "hibernate", "hybrid-sleep", and "lock". If "ignore", logind will never handle these keys. If
"lock", all running sessions will be screen-locked; otherwise, the specified action will be taken in the respective event. Only input devices with the
"power-switch" udev tag will be watched for key/lid switch events. HandlePowerKey= defaults to "poweroff". HandleSuspendKey= and HandleLidSwitch= default to
"suspend". HandleLidSwitchDocked= defaults to "ignore". HandleHibernateKey= defaults to "hibernate". If the system is inserted in a docking station, or if
more than one display is connected, the action specified by HandleLidSwitchDocked= occurs; otherwise the HandleLidSwitch= action occurs.
A different application may disable logind's handling of system power and sleep keys and the lid switch by taking a low-level inhibitor lock
("handle-power-key", "handle-suspend-key", "handle-hibernate-key", "handle-lid-switch"). This is most commonly used by graphical desktop environments to take
over suspend and hibernation handling, and to use their own configuration mechanisms. If a low-level inhibitor lock is taken, logind will not take any action
when that key or switch is triggered and the Handle*= settings are irrelevant.
,是否有与 systemd 等效的东西?
注意(重要):如何使用 systemd 在按下键盘电源键时运行脚本?不是重复的,因为已被错误地标记为重复如何更改电源按钮关闭操作以在 systemd 下运行脚本 that DOES NOT answer my question, since this is to manage power key from keyboard, not power button:
正如 @TooTea 所建议的,集成到外壳中的按钮可能被视为键盘按钮按下,无论如何,在检查后我没有这样的 /dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0- event-kbd 文件来监视按下的按键,那么它绝对不能回答我的问题。
最后我找到了一个解决方案,但很幸运,因为我使用的是 openbox:
在我的例子中,在 LXDE 下,编辑~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml
并在<keyboard> ... </keyboard>
<keybind key="XF86PowerOff">
<action name="Execute">
<command>command or script to run</command>
<keybind key="XF86PowerOff">
<action name="Execute">
<command>zenity --info --text="Power off pressed"</command>
然后在终端类型中openbox-lxde --reconfigure
编辑:我忘了提及(但不确定这是强制性的),我将系统关闭按钮设置为空,要检查这一点,请转到“开始菜单”->“系统”->“首选项”->“电源管理器” ,并确保“按下电源按钮时”设置为“不执行任何操作”: