我想在两个工作簿中运行相同的代码。该代码将数据标签放在 xy 散点图上。以下是代码:
Sub AttachLabelsToPoints()
'Dimension variables.
Dim Counter As Integer, ChartName As String, xVals As String
' Disable screen updating while the subroutine is run.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Store the formula for the first series in "xVals".
xVals = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Formula
'Extract the range for the data from xVals.
xVals = Mid(xVals, InStr(InStr(xVals, ","), xVals, _
Mid(Left(xVals, InStr(xVals, "!") - 1), 9)))
xVals = Left(xVals, InStr(InStr(xVals, "!"), xVals, ",") - 1)
Do While Left(xVals, 1) = ","
xVals = Mid(xVals, 2)
'Attach a label to each data point in the chart.
For Counter = 1 To Range(xVals).Cells.Count
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(Counter).HasDataLabel = _
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(Counter).DataLabel.Text = _
Range(xVals).Cells(Counter, 1).Offset(0, -1).Value
Next Counter
End Sub
将此代码保存在 VSTO 插件(xla 或 xlax)中,并在任意数量的工作簿中添加对它的引用。请参阅以下内容了解 VSTO(Excel 插件):https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc668205.aspx