

因此,例如,当我输入时,man ls我会看到LS(1).但如果我输入,man apachectl我会看到APACHECTL(8),如果我输入,man cd我最终会得到cd(n).



该数字对应于该页面来自手册的哪个部分; 1 是用户命令,而 8 是系统管理员命令。 man 本身的手册页 ( man man) 对其进行了解释并列出了标准的:

    The standard sections of the manual include:

    1      User Commands
    2      System Calls
    3      C Library Functions
    4      Devices and Special Files
    5      File Formats and Conventions
    6      Games et. al.
    7      Miscellanea
    8      System Administration tools and Daemons

    Distributions customize the manual section to their specifics,
    which often include additional sections.

有些术语在不同部分有不同的页面(例如,printf命令出现在第 1 部分,函数stdlib出现在第 3 部分);在这种情况下,您可以将节号传递到man页面名称之前以选择您想要的节号,或者用于man -a显示一行中的每个匹配页面:

$ man 1 printf
$ man 3 printf
$ man -a printf

您可以知道某个术语属于哪些部分man -k(相当于apropos命令)。它也会进行子字符串匹配(例如,sprintf如果你运行它会显示man -k printf),所以你需要使用^term来限制它:

$ man -k '^printf'
printf               (1)  - format and print data
printf               (1p)  - write formatted output
printf               (3)  - formatted output conversion
printf               (3p)  - print formatted output
printf [builtins]    (1)  - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)

请注意,该部分有时可以包含一个小节(例如,pin1p3pabove)。本p小节针对 POSIX 规范;本x小节是 X Window 系统文档。


这些部分编号的历史可以追溯到最初Unix 程序员手册汤普森和里奇于 1971 年提出。


  1. 命令
  2. 系统调用
  3. 子程序
  4. 特殊文件
  5. 文件格式
  6. 用户维护的程序
  7. 各种各样的


konqueror 还描述了非标准部分:(感谢 @greg0ire 的想法)

0     Header files
0p    Header files (POSIX)
1     Executable programs or shell commands
1p    Executable programs or shell commands (POSIX)
2     System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
3     Library calls (functions within program libraries)
3n    Network Functions
3p    Perl Modules
4     Special files (usually found in /dev)
5     File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
6     Games
7     Miscellaneous  (including  macro  packages and conventions), e.g. man(7), groff(7)
8     System administration commands (usually only for root)
9     Kernel routines
l     Local documentation
n     New manpages



The table below shows the section numbers of the manual followed by the 
types of pages they contain.

   1   Executable programs or shell commands
   2   System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
   3   Library calls (functions within program libraries)
   4   Special files (usually found in /dev)
   5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
   6   Games
   7   Miscellaneous  (including  macro  packages and conven‐
       tions), e.g. man(7), groff(7)
   8   System administration commands (usually only for root)
   9   Kernel routines [Non standard]


例如,man crontabman 5 crontab-- 进行比较,后者很可能是您想要查找的。
