







\lettrine{A}{}{\FirstLine{<Insert here any dummy text spanning more than one line>.}}




首先,我采用了\FirstLinefrom的定义magaz.sty,并将所有出现的 替换\maxdim\linewidth

 % typeset text 3 times: 1) using all breaks to count segments; 2) with
 % a full first line and \FirstLineFont to get first line and remaining
 % segments; 3) Using current font, keeping only `remaining segments'
 % on a single line.
 \setbox\z@\box\mz@firstbox \setbox\z@\box\mz@remains % void the global boxes
 \hbadness\linewidth \hfuzz\linewidth
 \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% 1) use all breaks
   \hsize\z@ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip\fill
   \parshape\z@ \pretolerance\m@ne \tolerance\@ne
   \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
 }% end vbox "1)"
 \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% 2) first line, plus other segments
   \parshape \tw@ \z@\hsize \z@\linewidth
   \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
   \pretolerance\m@ne \parfillskip\fill
   \ifnum\prevgraf>\tw@ % Bad argument: not simple text or too much text
     \unskip\unkern\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unpenalty
     \ifnum\prevgraf<\tw@ % All text fits on first line
     \else % 2 lines: text fills first line with some left over
       \ifvoid\z@ % could not grab last line
         \unskip\unkern\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unpenalty
         \global\setbox\mz@firstbox\lastbox % 2a) break up "other segments"
         \hsize\z@ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip\fill
         \parshape\z@ \pretolerance\m@ne \tolerance\@ne
         \noindent\nobreak % \nobreak because leftskip adds breakpoint
         \unhbox\z@\unskip\@@par % gives number of "extra segments"
         \@tempcnta\mz@numl \advance\@tempcnta-\prevgraf
         \advance\@tempcnta\@ne % number of segs in 1st line plus 1
         \edef\@tempa{\the\@tempcnta\space}% 3) Collect "other segments"
         \@whilenum \@tempcnta>\@ne\do{% build \parshape lines
           \edef\@tempa{\@tempa \z@\z@}%
         \parshape \@tempa \z@\linewidth
         \unskip\unkern\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unpenalty
 }% end vbox "2)"
 \ifvoid\mz@firstbox #1% Error case: just output the text
   \unhbox\mz@remains\unskip\unskip\unpenalty \spacefactor\mz@spf




\firstline{I}{nsert here any dummy very very very very very long text spanning more than one line.}





 % typeset text 3 times: 1) using all breaks to count segments; 2) with
 % a full first line and \FirstLineFont to get first line and remaining
 % segments; 3) Using current font, keeping only `remaining segments'
 % on a single line.
 \setbox\z@\box\mz@firstbox \setbox\z@\box\mz@remains % void the global boxes
 \hbadness\linewidth \hfuzz\linewidth
 \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% 1) use all breaks
   \hsize\z@ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip\fill
   \parshape\z@ \pretolerance\m@ne \tolerance\@ne
   \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
 }% end vbox "1)"
 \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% 2) first line, plus other segments
   \parshape \tw@ \z@\hsize \z@\linewidth
   \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
   \pretolerance\m@ne \parfillskip\fill
   \ifnum\prevgraf>\tw@ % Bad argument: not simple text or too much text
     \unskip\unkern\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unpenalty
     \ifnum\prevgraf<\tw@ % All text fits on first line
     \else % 2 lines: text fills first line with some left over
       \ifvoid\z@ % could not grab last line
         \unskip\unkern\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unpenalty
         \global\setbox\mz@firstbox\lastbox % 2a) break up "other segments"
         \hsize\z@ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip\fill
         \parshape\z@ \pretolerance\m@ne \tolerance\@ne
         \noindent\nobreak % \nobreak because leftskip adds breakpoint
         \unhbox\z@\unskip\@@par % gives number of "extra segments"
         \@tempcnta\mz@numl \advance\@tempcnta-\prevgraf
         \advance\@tempcnta\@ne % number of segs in 1st line plus 1
         \edef\@tempa{\the\@tempcnta\space}% 3) Collect "other segments"
         \@whilenum \@tempcnta>\@ne\do{% build \parshape lines
           \edef\@tempa{\@tempa \z@\z@}%
         \parshape \@tempa \z@\linewidth
         \unskip\unkern\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unpenalty
 }% end vbox "2)"
 \ifvoid\mz@firstbox #1% Error case: just output the text
   \unhbox\mz@remains\unskip\unskip\unpenalty \spacefactor\mz@spf



\firstline{I}{nsert here any dummy very very very very very long text spanning more than one line.}





我通过搜索找到了这个老话题。Karl 的答案对我(或 OP)不起作用。但与 OP 一样,我的自定义文档类中可能发生了其他事情,干扰了 Karl 的答案。我自己快速浏览了一下,我怀疑在所有情况下,\lettrine它们\FirstLine是否都能很好地协同工作。

唯一令人满意的解决方案是“手动操作”。但有一个技巧:不要将小写字母文本作为 的第二个强制参数\lettrine。相反,使用空括号来吸收第二个强制参数。然后跟上\textsc{text in small caps} more text...



\usepackage{lmodern} % scalable font
\lettrine[lines=3,findent=0pt,nindent=0pt]{O}{}\textsc{ne dark and stormy night, Lord Withens mounted his horse} and sneaked out the servants' door. Don't know what gave him the idea that the servants didn't notice. But then, the servants know how to keep it quiet. That's how it is in these British novels.



高级:以下内容不适用于pdflatex。但适用LuaLaTeXfontspecpolyglossiamicrotypeactive 。该字体是一种 Open Type 字体,并且\textsc被定义为使用 从字体自己的 Open Type 功能中选择小写字母fontspec。我不知道其中有多少是必需的;但在我看来,如果您使用其中的一些,您可能会像我一样使用全部。

再次强调,技巧是使用空白括号吸收 的第二个参数\lettrine,然后使用 手动选择小写字母的第一行\textsc。但与基本 不同pdflatex,如果需要,您可以在单词中间的连字符处断开第一行。

在此示例中,初步编译显示第一行断开为 ECTOXYLO-PHONE:

\lettrine[lines=3,findent=0.2em]{O}{}\textsc{ne stormy night, Lord Withens rode his ectoxylophone through the gloom.} What's that? Don't know what an ectoxylophone is, eh? Neither did Lord Withens. He thought it was his horse.


\lettrine[lines=3,findent=0.2em]{O}{}\textsc{ne stormy night, Lord Withens rode his ectoxylo}phone through the gloom. What's that? Don't know what an ectoxylophone is, eh? Neither did Lord Withens. He thought it was his horse.

