我正在尝试构建这在 TikZ 中,但我做起来很麻烦。我希望有人可以改进下面的代码,让它看起来与图片相似。
\draw (-0.5,1.5) rectangle (2,0);
\draw (-9.5,1.5) rectangle (-7,0);
\draw (-4.5,5) rectangle (-2,3.5);
\draw (-4.5,-2) rectangle (-2,-3.5);
\draw (4,1.5) rectangle (6.5,0);
\draw [-latex](-4.5,4.5) -- (-8,1.5);
\draw [-latex] (-8,0) -- (-4.5,-3);
\draw [-latex](-2,-3) -- (1,0);
\draw [-latex] (-2,4.5) -- (1,1.5);
\draw [-latex](2,0.5) -- (4,0.5);
我尝试在矩形内添加文本,但不知道该怎么做。如果有人有 TikZ 以外的解决方案,那么这种方法也可以。
block/.style = {draw,rectangle,text width = 4em,align=left, rounded corners=0ex, minimum height=2.0em}
\node[block] at (0,0) (a) {A. Some text};
\node[block,above right = .15cm and 1cm of a,] (b) {B. Some text};
\node[block, below right = .15cm and 1cm of a,] (c) {c. Some text};
\node[block, below right = .15cm and 1cm of b,] (d) {D. Some text};
\node[block, right = 1cm of d] (e) {E. Some text};
%% lines
\draw[-latex] (a.10) -- (b.185);
\draw[-latex] (a.-10) -- (c.175);
\draw[-latex] (b.-10) -- (d.175);
\draw[-latex] (c.10) -- (d.185);
\draw[-latex] (d) -- (e);
新的 CVSgraphdrawing
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw, text width=4em}, >=stealth]
\graph [layered layout,grow=right, level distance=1in, sibling distance=0.5in,
tail anchor=east, head anchor=west]
"A. Some text" -> {" B. Some text", "C. Some text"}
-> "D. Some text" -> "E. Some text"
column sep
使用矩阵节点,可以实现这一点。可以通过和键更改块分离row sep
\begin{tikzpicture}[boxes/.style={draw, rectangle,%
thick,minimum height=1cm, rounded corners,
minimum width=1cm, black, text=black,
text width=25mm, align=center},scale=2]
\matrix (mat) [matrix of nodes, nodes=boxes, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm]
& B. Some Text & & \\
A. Some Text & & D.Some Text & E. Some Text \\
& C. Some Text & & \\
\draw [very thick, black, ->] (mat-2-1.east)--(mat-1-2.west);
\draw [very thick, black, ->] (mat-2-1.east)--(mat-3-2.west);
\draw [very thick, black, ->] (mat-3-2.east)--(mat-2-3.west);
\draw [very thick, black, ->] (mat-1-2.east)--(mat-2-3.west);
\draw [very thick, black, ->] (mat-2-3.east)--(mat-2-4.west);