我有一张桌子这里,格式为 Microsoft Word。我希望在 LaTeX 中也有相同的表格。以下是我尝试过但无济于事的方法:
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Aim} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Personnel} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Timelines} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Outcomes} \\
1 & CI In, RA & 01/2014 - 06/2014 & 1. Collect data on fund characteristics, returns, and screening information for SRI funds. 2. Calculate Bayesian abnormal performance measures for SRI funds. 3. Determine the impact of investment screens and prior information on SRI fund performance. 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
2 & CI In, RA & 06/2014 - 11/2014 & 1. Collect data on cash flows, fund expenses, fund returns, benchmark and nonbenchmark asset returns, and screening information for SRI funds. 2. Calculate Bayesian and frequentist alphas, and apply sorting procedure. 3. Determine the impact of prior information, fund expenses, and nonbenchmark assets on SRI fund performance persistence and cash flow predictability. 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
3 & CI In, RA & 11/2014 - 05/2015 & 1. Collect data on stock characteristics, institutional ownership, analyst coverage, and screening information. 2. Model relationship between stock characteristics and stock screening policies. 3. Determine how SRI strategies influence a firm's economic behaviour. 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
4 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 05/2015 - 10/2015 & 1. Collect key economic and demographic data, SRI mutual fund, SRI indices characteristics, and return data. 2. Create database of economic and demographic factors. 3. Model relationship between SRI growth and economic and demographic factors. 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
5 & CI In, RA & 10/2015 - 03/2016 & 1. Collect fund characteristics data, screening data, and ESG rankings. 2. Create database with key analysis of types, total numbers, detailed screening process, and ethical ratings of portfolios. 3. Determine relationship between different types of fees, screening types/intensity, and ethicality of portfolios. 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
6 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 03/2016 - 12/2016 & 1. Collect available portfolio holdings data, SRI fund characteristics, and general Australian mutual fund market data. 2. Create database with calculation of competitive measure, ranked returns, and other relevant variables. 3. Determine relationship between the probability of disclosure and relevant factors. 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
我希望保留与 MS Word 文件中相同的边框(即,列之间的垂直线、整个表格周围的水平线等),但是,如果能提供任何其他使其看起来更美观的建议,我们将不胜感激。
此外,该表格很可能会跨越 2 个垂直页面(如 MS Word 中所示),我如何在 LaTeX 中做到这一点?
以下是 MS Word 表格的图片:
另外,我刚刚意识到 MS Word 表格没有正确格式化列标题,标题应该全部在一行上。说实话,MS 表格看起来不太好看,如果能在 LaTeX 中让它看起来好看一点就好了。
Aim & Personnel & Timeline & Outcomes \\
1 & CI In, RA & 01/2014 - 06/2014 & 1. Collect data on fund characteristics, returns, and screening information for SRI funds. \\
& & & 2. Calculate Bayesian abnormal performance measures for SRI funds. \\
& & & 3. Determine the impact of investment screens and prior information on SRI fund performance. \\
& & & 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
2 & CI In, RA & 06/2014 - 11/2014 & 1. Collect data on cash flows, fund expenses, fund returns, benchmark and nonbenchmark asset returns, and screening information for SRI funds. \\
& & & 2. Calculate Bayesian and frequentist alphas, and apply sorting procedure. \\
& & & 3. Determine the impact of prior information, fund expenses, and nonbenchmark assets on SRI fund performance persistence and cash flow predictability. \\
& & & 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
3 & CI In, RA & 11/2014 - 05/2015 & 1. Collect data on stock characteristics, institutional ownership, analyst coverage, and screening information. \\
& & & 2. Model relationship between stock characteristics and stock screening policies. \\
& & & 3. Determine how SRI strategies influence a firm's economic behaviour. \\
& & & 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
4 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 05/2015 - 10/2015 & 1. Collect key economic and demographic data, SRI mutual fund, SRI indices characteristics, and return data. \\
& & & 2. Create database of economic and demographic factors. \\
& & & 3. Model relationship between SRI growth and economic and demographic factors. \\
& & & 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
5 & CI In, RA & 10/2015 - 03/2016 & 1. Collect fund characteristics data, screening data, and ESG rankings. \\
& & & 2. Create database with key analysis of types, total numbers, detailed screening process, and ethical ratings of portfolios. \\
& & & 3. Determine relationship between different types of fees, screening types/intensity, and ethicality of portfolios. \\
& & & 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
6 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 03/2016 - 12/2016 & 1. Collect available portfolio holdings data, SRI fund characteristics, and general Australian mutual fund market data. \\
& & & 2. Create database with calculation of competitive measure, ranked returns, and other relevant variables. \\
& & & 3. Determine relationship between the probability of disclosure and relevant factors. \\
& & & 4. Write working paper and send it for publication. \\
感谢您通过 excel2latex 实用程序上传文件的“原始”内容。我喜欢基本解决方案使用该包并且没有垂直规则这一事实。:-)
对第 2、3 和 4 列使用列类型,而是 (a)p
对第 2 和第 3 列使用列类型(允许文本换行)和 (b)X
对第 4 列使用列类型(也允许文本换行,并且它将扩展以占据整个可用宽度)。在第 2 列和第 4 列中使用
。不要对第 4 列中的枚举数字进行硬编码,而是使用
\usepackage[british]{babel} % choose a different language if necessary
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % choose margins to suit your purpose
% Compute widths for columns 2 and 3
\settowidth\mylena{PhD student}
% customize appearance of `enumerate` environment
after ={\vspace*{-1\baselineskip}},
labelindent=0pt, leftmargin=*}
\begin{table}[p] % tell LaTeX to typeset it on a page by itself
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l
>{\RaggedRight}X @{}}
Aim & Personnel & Timeline & Outcomes\\
1 & CI In, RA & 01/2014--06/2014 &
\item Collect data on fund characteristics, returns, and screening information for SRI funds.
\item Calculate Bayesian abnormal performance measures for SRI funds.
\item Determine the impact of investment screens and prior information on SRI fund performance.
\item Write working paper and send it for publication.
2 & CI In, RA & 06/2014--11/2014 &
\item Collect data on cash flows, fund expenses, fund returns, benchmark and nonbenchmark asset returns, and screening information for SRI funds.
\item Calculate Bayesian and frequentist alphas, and apply sorting procedure.
\item Determine the impact of prior information, fund expenses, and nonbenchmark assets on SRI fund performance persistence and cash flow predictability.
\item Write working paper and send it for publication.
3 & CI In, RA & 11/2014--05/2015 &
\item Collect data on stock characteristics, institutional ownership, analyst coverage, and screening information.
\item Model relationship between stock characteristics and stock screening policies.
\item Determine how SRI strategies influence a firm's economic behaviour.
\item Write working paper and send it for publication.
4 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 05/2015--10/2015 &
\item Collect key economic and demographic data, SRI mutual fund, SRI indices characteristics, and return data.
\item Create database of economic and demographic factors.
\item Model relationship between SRI growth and economic and demographic factors.
\item Write working paper and send it for publication.
5 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 10/2015--03/2016 &
\item Collect fund characteristics data, screening data, and ESG rankings.
\item Create database with key analysis of types, total numbers, detailed screening process, and ethical ratings of portfolios.
\item Determine relationship between different types of fees, screening types/intensity, and ethicality of portfolios.
\item Write working paper and send it for publication.
6 & CI In, RA, PhD student & 03/2016--12/2016 &
\item Collect available portfolio holdings data, SRI fund characteristics, and general Australian mutual fund market data.
\item Create database with calculation of competitive measure, ranked returns, and other relevant variables.
\item Determine relationship between the probability of disclosure and relevant factors.
\item Write working paper and send it for publication.
:如果您需要在文档主体中使用“普通”环境(这种情况很有可能发生) ,您可能不想按照 MWE 中描述的方式重新定义此环境,只是为了使其在表中“工作”。相反,您可能希望“克隆”enumerate
after ={\vspace*{-1\baselineskip}},
labelindent=0pt, leftmargin=*}
指令创建一个名为 的列表类环境enumtab