

我正在使用该包尝试格式化我的 R 代码,但我不喜欢某些被视为关键字的东西(用于配色方案)。但是,当我deletekeywords={*,<-}在中指定时\lstset,它拒绝删除它们。以下是代码:


    \xdefinecolor{blue}{RGB}{58,95,205}% R's royalblue3; #3A5FCD 

    \lstset{ %
      language=R,                % the language of the code
      basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,           % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
      deletekeywords={*, <-},
      numbers=left,                   % where to put the line-numbers
      numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray},  % the style that is used for the line-numbers
      stepnumber=2,                   % the step between two line-numbers. If it's 1, each line
                                      % will be numbered
      numbersep=5pt,                  % how far the line-numbers are from the code
      backgroundcolor=\color{white},      % choose the background color. You must add         \usepackage{color}
      showspaces=false,               % show spaces adding particular underscores
      showstringspaces=false,         % underline spaces within strings
      showtabs=false,                 % show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
      frame=single,                   % adds a frame around the code
      rulecolor=\color{black},        % if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks within not-black text (e.g. commens (green here))
      tabsize=2,                      % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
      captionpos=b,                   % sets the caption-position to bottom
      breaklines=true,                % sets automatic line breaking
      breakatwhitespace=false,        % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
      title=\lstname,                   % show the filename of files included with         \lstinputlisting;
                              % also try caption instead of title
      keywordstyle=\color{blue},          % keyword style
      commentstyle=\color{gray},       % comment style
      stringstyle=\color{gray},         % string literal style
      escapeinside={},            % if you want to add a comment within your code
     morekeywords={byrow}               % if you want to add more keywords to the set


    \begin{lstlisting}[caption={A first example}, label=list:ex]
    x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    xmat <- matrix(x, byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3)
    xmat %*% t(xmat)




listings软件包有不同的机制来定义关键字。您最常使用的两个键是keywordsmorekeywords。前者从头开始定义关键字列表(覆盖任何现有列表),而后者添加到现有列表(如果有)。您还可以使用 键删除现有关键字deletekeywords

此外,还有另一个关键点,叫做otherkeywords,可用于定义特别的关键字。手册(第 4.18 节)对此进行了如下描述:




被指控的“关键字”(*和)由包在语言定义中<-使用键定义(在otherkeywordsRlistingslstdvrs.dtx 文件):


无法使用该键删除使用该键定义的“其他关键字” deletekeywords











\xdefinecolor{blue}{RGB}{58,95,205}% R's royalblue3; #3A5FCD 

\lstset{ %
  language=R,                % the language of the code
  basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,           % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
  %otherkeywords={!,!=,~,$,*,\&,\%/\%,\%*\%,\%\%,<-,<<-,_,/}, % default in the R language defined by the listings package
  otherkeywords={}, % resets the list of "other keywords"
  numbers=left,                   % where to put the line-numbers
  numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray},  % the style that is used for the line-numbers
  stepnumber=2,                   % the step between two line-numbers. If it's 1, each line
                                  % will be numbered
  numbersep=5pt,                  % how far the line-numbers are from the code
  backgroundcolor=\color{white},      % choose the background color. You must add         \usepackage{color}
  showspaces=false,               % show spaces adding particular underscores
  showstringspaces=false,         % underline spaces within strings
  showtabs=false,                 % show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
  frame=single,                   % adds a frame around the code
  rulecolor=\color{black},        % if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks within not-black text (e.g. commens (green here))
  tabsize=2,                      % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
  captionpos=b,                   % sets the caption-position to bottom
  breaklines=true,                % sets automatic line breaking
  breakatwhitespace=false,        % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
  title=\lstname,                   % show the filename of files included with         \lstinputlisting;
                          % also try caption instead of title
  keywordstyle=\color{blue},          % keyword style
  commentstyle=\color{gray},       % comment style
  stringstyle=\color{gray},         % string literal style
  escapeinside={},            % if you want to add a comment within your code
 morekeywords={byrow}               % if you want to add more keywords to the set


\begin{lstlisting}[caption={A first example}, label=list:ex]
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
xmat <- matrix(x, byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3)
xmat %*% t(xmat)

