标题居中和 \newcommand 内的 \newpage 命令

标题居中和 \newcommand 内的 \newpage 命令

我想创作一本有三部分的谜题书,问题提示解决方案。 两个都LaTeX 社区特克斯帮助我弄清楚了这一点。


  1. 将零件名称置于其标题页的中央。
  2. 我希望每个问题和每个解决方案都从新的一页开始,但提示可以是连续的。




{\textbf{Problem \theproblem\ (#1)}\par}\nopagebreak\noindent\ignorespaces}


\the\late@hintstoks % the previous contents
\the\late@solutiontoks % the previous contents
\paragraph*{Hints for problem #1}#2%
\subsubsection*{Solution for problem #1}#2%



\section{Puzzle 1}
This problem is about Pythagoras' theorem
These are the hints about Pythagoras.
Pythagoras' theorem is easy!
\section{Puzzle 2}
Prove the zeros of the $\zeta$ functions are on the critical line.
Try first with a few cases.
Oh, well!




此问题也发布在 标题居中和 \newcommand 内的 \newpage 命令




而为了在新页面上显示内容,您必须添加一些\clearpage/ \cleardoublepage(为了安全起见),正如我在代码中所标记的那样。



{\textbf{Problem \theproblem\ (#1)}\par}\nopagebreak\noindent\ignorespaces}
{\clearpage}                                          %%%<--- here


\the\late@hintstoks % the previous contents
\toks@=\expandafter{\BODY\clearpage}%                   %%%<--- here
\the\late@solutiontoks % the previous contents
\paragraph*{Hints for problem #1}#2%
\subsubsection*{Solution for problem #1}#2%

\cleardoublepage                                                %%%<--- here
\cleardoublepage                                                 %%%<--- here


\section{Puzzle 1}
This problem is about Pythagoras' theorem
These are the hints about Pythagoras.
Pythagoras' theorem is easy!
\section{Puzzle 2}
Prove the zeros of the $\zeta$ functions are on the critical line.
Try first with a few cases.
Oh, well!






\clearpage也使用 s 来在自己的页面上开始每个问题和解决方案。由于我觉得这可能是一项更长的工作,我只是从文章类切换到报告类,更准确地说是scrreprt从 KOMA 包切换到报告类。任何渴望了解标准类的人都可以取消注释emulatestandardclasses。但我们生活在现代。



{\clearpage\noindent\textbf{Problem \theproblem\ (#1)}\medbreak}\nopagebreak\noindent\ignorespaces}


\the\late@hintstoks % the previous contents
\the\late@solutiontoks % the previous contents
\paragraph*{Hints for problem #1}#2%
\subsection*{Solution for problem #1}#2%



This problem is about Pythagoras' theorem
These are the hints about Pythagoras.
Pythagoras' theorem is easy!
Prove the zeros of the $\zeta$ functions are on the critical line.
Try first with a few cases.
Oh, well!




我问了一些进一步的问题,以改善结果LaTeX 社区。欢迎各位有兴趣者参与讨论发展。


我搞清楚了第二部分。要将 \newpage 命令添加到 Solutions 部分,您需要在 \late@solution 环境中添加 \newpage 命令才能获得所需的效果。

  \subsubsection*{Solution for puzzle #1}#2%

