


      \geometry{verbose,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=3cm,lmargin=3cm,rmargin=3cm }
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      \usepackage{caption}% <-- added

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          \caption{Year Wise Treatment Frequencies} \label{tab:freq}
              This table provides the frequencies 

              Year  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Nones} & Option  1 & Option 2 & Total \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2001} & 126   & 16    & 2     & 144 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2002} & 114   & 9     & 4     & 127 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2003} & 115   & 7     & 1     & 123 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2004} & 114   & 6     & 4     & 124 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2005} & 104   & 5     & 8     & 117 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2006} & 96    & 3     & 6     & 105 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2007} & 93    & 2     & 4     & 99 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2008} & 93    & 2     & 2     & 97 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2009} & 85    & 2     & 11    & 98 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2010} & 83    & 0     & 7     & 90 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2011} & 74    & 0     & 12    & 86 \\
              Total & 1,097 & 52    & 61    & 1,210 \\
       This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction.This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is a the text about the introduction.


我不确定我是否理解了您的要求,但在我看来,您想要一个占据整列宽度的表格。如果是这种情况,您应该考虑使用将tabular*宽度设置为 的环境\columnwidth。哦,不要对同一个对象同时使用 a\caption和 a指令——这是符号滥用,甚至更糟。\caption*figure


\usepackage{caption}% <-- added
\captionsetup[table]{skip = 3pt}
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}% <-- added
\usepackage{ltablex}% <-- added
\usepackage{siunitx}% <-- added
\usepackage{caption}% <-- added


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\caption{Year Wise Treatment Frequencies} \label{tab:freq}
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % let LaTeX compute intercolumn whitespace
This table provides the frequencies.

  Year  & Nones& Option  1 & Option 2 & Total \\
  2001& 126   & 16    & 2     & 144 \\
  2002& 114   & 9     & 4     & 127 \\
  2003& 115   & 7     & 1     & 123 \\
  2004& 114   & 6     & 4     & 124 \\
  2005& 104   & 5     & 8     & 117 \\
  2006& 96    & 3     & 6     & 105 \\
  2007& 93    & 2     & 4     & 99 \\
  2008& 93    & 2     & 2     & 97 \\
  2009& 85    & 2     & 11    & 98 \\
  2010& 83    & 0     & 7     & 90 \\
  2011& 74    & 0     & 12    & 86 \\
  Total & 1,097 & 52    & 61    & 1,210 \\

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附录解决 OP 的后续评论:使表格材料跨度两个都列,您需要在上面显示的代码中更改答案的所有内容是 (a) 将 的两个实例替换{table}{table*}并替换\columnwidth\textwidth。但请注意,LaTeX 只会将 table* 和 figure* 环境放在顶部页面。由于现在空间绰绰有余,footnotesize因此您可能应该删除这些指令。


第二附录:对环境内容的进一步分析table表明:(a) 没有必要切换到\footnotesize;(b) 从使数字信息更具可读性的角度来看,将四个数据列中的数字与其(隐式)小数标记对齐会很有用。这可以通过加载包siunitx并使用S列类型来实现。




% macro for a paragraph of filler text
\newcommand\blurb{This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction. This section is the introduction section. Here is the text about the introduction.\par}

%\flushbottom % may not be necessary

\caption{Year Wise Treatment Frequencies} \label{tab:freq}
This table provides the frequencies.

    l T{4}T{2}T{2}T{4}}
Year & {Nones}& {Option 1} & {Option 2} & {Total} \\
  2001& 126   & 16    & 2     & 144 \\
  2002& 114   & 9     & 4     & 127 \\
  2003& 115   & 7     & 1     & 123 \\
  2004& 114   & 6     & 4     & 124 \\
  2005& 104   & 5     & 8     & 117 \\
  2006& 96    & 3     & 6     & 105 \\
  2007& 93    & 2     & 4     & 99 \\
  2008& 93    & 2     & 2     & 97 \\
  2009& 85    & 2     & 11    & 98 \\
  2010& 83    & 0     & 7     & 90 \\
  2011& 74    & 0     & 12    & 86 \\
  Total & 1097 & 52   & 61    & 1210 \\





\geometry{verbose,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=3cm,lmargin=3cm,rmargin=3cm }
\usepackage{caption}% <-- added
\captionsetup[table]{skip = 3pt}


%        \footnotesize
\caption{Year Wise Treatment Frequencies}
      This table provides the frequencies
  \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{S @{\extracolsep{\fill}}
                            *{4}{S[group-separator = {,},
                                   group-minimum-digits = 4
  {Year} & {Nones} & {Option 1} & {Option 2} & {Total}  \\
  2001       & 126   & 16    & 2     & 144 \\
  2002       & 114   & 9     & 4     & 127 \\
  2003       & 115   & 7     & 1     & 123 \\
  2004       & 114   & 6     & 4     & 124 \\
  2005       & 104   & 5     & 8     & 117 \\
  2006       & 96    & 3     & 6     & 105 \\
  2007       & 93    & 2     & 4     & 99 \\
  2008       & 93    & 2     & 2     & 97 \\
  2009       & 85    & 2     & 11    & 98 \\
  2010       & 83    & 0     & 7     & 90 \\
  2011       & 74    & 0     & 12    & 86 \\
      Total & 1097 & 52    & 61    & 1210 \\



上面的表格中,列格式使用了siunitx列​​类型S。在我看来,结果非常非常丑陋……好吧,也许你的真实表格需要这么宽,谁知道呢 :)
