biblatex IEEE citeauthor 带有“et al.”导致句子间间距

biblatex IEEE citeauthor 带有“et al.”导致句子间间距

我使用的是 biblatex IEEE 格式。如果我使用以下方式引用 bib 条目的作者\citeauthor,并且有多个作者,则已正确添加到引用的名称中。但是,我看到句号后面有句子间空格。有什么方法可以消除这个问题吗?

以下是 MWE:



 author = {Foo, King Chun and Jiang, Zhen Ming and Adams, Bram and Hassan, Ahmed E. and Zou, Ying and Flora, Parminder},
 booktitle = {10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC), 2010},
 doi = {10.1109/QSIC.2010.35},
 editor = {Wang, Ji and Chan, W. K. and Kuo, Fei-Ching},
 isbn = {978-0-7695-4131-0},
 location = {Piscataway, NJ},
 pages = {32--41},
 publisher = {IEEE},
 title = {Mining Performance Regression Testing Repositories for Automated Performance Analysis},
 year = {2010}




This a test where \citeauthor{Foo2010} has a problem with spaces.



看看 et al 后面的空格:




   {andothers = \mkbibemph{et al\adddot}}

目前情况:今天晚些时候修复 CTAN。
