\KwData{$\varepsilon$, $k$, $P_1$, $P_2$, $\overline{Ct}$, $LB$, $UB$, $C_e$, $C_f$, $\epsilon$, and the set of distances $d_{ijh} \forall (ijh) \in D_1$ and $D_2$ }
\KwResult{The optimal speed values ($v_{ijh}^{*}$) and the optimal objective function (OPT)}
OPT $\leftarrow 0$\;
Check the feasiblity of the $S_1$ constraint by substituting all of the variables by $UB$\;
\eIf{$6\varepsilon+P_1+P_2+\dfrac{\sum_{(ijh)\in D_1} d_{ijh}}{UB}\leq\overline{Ct}$}{
Find $\mu_1$\;
Find $v_{ijh} \forall (ijh) \in D_1$\;
\eIf{any of the speeds is $>UB$}{
Consider the bounded speed case for $S_1$ and solve the problem\;
Find $\mu_1$\;
Find $v_{ijh} \forall (ijh) \in D_1$\;
$v_{ijh}\leftarrow v_{ijh}^{*} \forall (ijh) \in D_1$\;
Calculate the obj. func.\;
OPT $\leftarrow$ obj. func.\;
$S_1$ is inf.\;
$v_{ijh}\leftarrow v_{ijh}^{*} \forall (ijh) \in D_1$\;
Calculate the obj. func.\;
OPT $\leftarrow$ obj. func.\;
$S_1$ is inf.\;
$S_1$ is inf.\;
Check the feasiblity of the $S_2$ constraints by substituting all of the variables by $UB$\;
\eIf{equations \eqref{cons32}, \eqref{cons33}, and \eqref{cons34} hold}{
Find $\mu_1$ for Sit. 1\;
Find $v_{ijh} \forall (ijh) \in D_2$\;
\eIf{any of the speeds is $>UB$}{
Consider the bounded speed case for Sit. 1 and solve the problem\;
Find $\mu_1$\;
Find $v_{ijh} \forall (ijh) \in D_2$\;
Calculate the obj. func.\;
\eIf{obj. func. < OPT}{
$v_{ijh}\leftarrow v_{ijh}^{*} \forall (ijh) \in D_2$\;
OPT $\leftarrow$ obj. func.\;
Stop the algorithm\;
Stop the algorithm\;
$S_2$ is inf.\;
$v_{ijh}\leftarrow v_{ijh}^{*} \forall (ijh) \in D_2$\;
Calculate the obj. func.\;
\eIf{obj. func. < OPT}{
$v_{ijh}\leftarrow v_{ijh}^{*} \forall (ijh) \in D_2$\;
OPT $\leftarrow$ obj. func.\;
Stop the algorithm\;
Stop the algorithm\;
$S_2$ is inf.\;
$S_1$ is inf.\;
\caption{Determining the roots of the function}