如何在 tikzpicture 中制作正方形

如何在 tikzpicture 中制作正方形


\usepackage{tikz} %for the heirarchical tree

%for the hierarchical tree
  basic/.style  = {draw, text width=2cm, drop shadow, font=\sffamily, rectangle},
  root/.style   = {basic, rounded corners=2pt, thin, align=center,
  level 2/.style = {basic, rounded corners=6pt, thin,align=center, fill=green!60,
                   text width=8em},
  level 3/.style = {basic, thin, align=left, fill=pink!60, text width=6.5em}


  every node/.style={shape=rectangle,inner sep=3pt,draw,thick}]
\node {Parent} [edge from parent fork down]
[sibling distance=4cm]
child {node {Type}}
child {node {Title Here}
    [sibling distance=2cm]
    child {node {Two Words Long}}
    child {node {Two Word Long}}


输出下图: enter image description here




\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, shadows, shapes, trees}

every node/.style = {rectangle, draw, thick, fill=white,
                     drop shadow, font=\sffamily},
 sibling distance = 30mm 
\node {Parent} [edge from parent fork down]
    child {node {Type}}
    child {node {Title Here}
        child {node {Two Words Long}}
        child {node {Two Word Long}}

enter image description here


\usepackage{tikz}   % for tikz trees
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, shadows, shapes, trees}
\usepackage[edges]{forest} % for forest tree

    for tree={              % style of tree nodes
      draw, semithick,
             font = \sffamily,
             fill = white, drop shadow,                            
             edge = {draw, semithick},
           anchor = north,
             grow = south,
                            % style of tree (edges, distances, direction)
    forked edge,            % for forked edge
            s sep = 8mm,    % sibling distance
            l sep = 8mm,    % level distance
         fork sep = 4mm,    % distance from parent to branching point
      [Title Here
        [Two Words Long]
        [Two Words Long]


enter image description here


\usepackage{tikz}   % for tikz trees
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, shadows, shapes, trees}
\usepackage[edges]{forest} % for forest tree


every node/.style = {rectangle, draw, thick, fill=white,
                     inner sep=2mm, text width=18mm, minimum height=18mm,
                     align=flush center,
                     drop shadow, font=\sffamily},
 sibling distance = 30mm,
   level distance = 30mm
\node {Parent} [edge from parent fork down]
    child {node {Type}}
    child {node {Title Here}
        child {node {Two Words Long}}
        child {node {Two Word Long}}


enter image description here
