子图使用 sidenotes 包中的 sidecaptions 来中断图编号

子图使用 sidenotes 包中的 sidecaptions 来中断图编号





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          marginparwidth=43mm, marginparsep=1em}

% ********************************************************************
% captions, taking use of the margins
% ********************************************************************
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    justification=justified,     % caption is a normal paragraph
    singlelinecheck=false,       % always left-align caption
    labelsep=quad,               % quad separator behind label
    labelfont=sc,                % label in scshape
    font=footnotesize            % all in small font size
    format=plain, %indention=2em, % whole line for caption, with indent after first
    justification=outerragged,    % caption is a normal paragraph
    singlelinecheck=false,        % always left-align caption
    labelsep=newline,             % quad separator behind label
    labelfont=sc,                 % label in scshape
    font=footnotesize             % all in small font size
    style = sidestyle,
\DeclareCaptionStyle{widetable}{style = stdstyle}
\DeclareCaptionStyle{widefigure}{style = stdstyle}
    style = sidestyle,
\usepackage[style = stdstyle]{caption}

\chapter{for the numbers}
    \sidecaption{caption of figure 1
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:1}

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 2. this one has two images but nor subfigures
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:2}

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 3. this one has two images and uses subfigures with captions to address the subplots
        \caption{some text for 3a}
        \caption{some text for 3b}
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:3} and then there is something important about \autoref{fig:3:a} and \autoref{fig:3:b} but why does this latter one increase the figure counter?

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 4
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:4} but hey it's Figure 1.5 now...


我得到了正确编号的图 1.1 和 1.2,它们都没有使用环境subfigure。图 1.3 的编号正确,但参考子图将计数器增加到 1.4a 和 1.4b,而不是 1.3a。此外,下一个图的编号为 1.5,完全跳过了 1.4。



为了直接解决一些潜在的问题并让您了解替代方法应提供哪些功能,这里列出了我这样做的一些原因:我将标题放在边缘,因为那里 (i) 有空间,并且 (ii) 我还在那里设置了整个子图集的图例,这比把它放在其中一个图中方便得多,并且我在格式方面比放在图下方的标题中有更多的自由。我使用该subcaption包是因为它效果最好,并且语法比 KOMA-sidecaption 更简单、更简短。特别是标题可能比图形本身的高度更长,然后标题文本会放在正文旁边。KOMA 方法不允许这样做(或者我没有让它工作)。



\sidecaption{...}增加标题编号,因此subfigure“看到”的标题增加计数器的值caption而不是使用的值\sidecaption。这意味着必须\sidecaption{...}subfigure环境之后。通过此更改,您的 MWE 给出了预期结果:


编辑: 在此更改中,您需要考虑,它\sidecaption{...}在包中定义sidenotes,但遗憾的是没有选择其相对于浮动内容的位置的选项。它仅允许手动移动标题位置。如上图所示,可以利用此功能\sidecaption[][-6em]{...}



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          marginparwidth=43mm, marginparsep=1em}
% ********************************************************************
% captions, taking use of the margins
% ********************************************************************
    format=hang,                 % caption hangs behind label
    justification=justified,     % caption is a normal paragraph
    singlelinecheck=false,       % always left-align caption
    labelsep=quad,               % quad separator behind label
    labelfont=sc,                % label in scshape
    font=footnotesize            % all in small font size
    format=plain, %indention=2em, % whole line for caption, with indent after first
    justification=outerragged,    % caption is a normal paragraph
    singlelinecheck=false,        % always left-align caption
    labelsep=newline,             % quad separator behind label
    labelfont=sc,                 % label in scshape
    font=footnotesize             % all in small font size
    style = sidestyle,
\DeclareCaptionStyle{widetable}{style = stdstyle}
\DeclareCaptionStyle{widefigure}{style = stdstyle}
    style = sidestyle,
\usepackage[style = stdstyle]{caption}

\chapter{for the numbers}
    \sidecaption{caption of figure 1
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:1}

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 2. this one has two images but nor subfigures
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:2}

        \caption{some text for 3a}
        \caption{some text for 3b}
    \sidecaption[][-6em]% <-- addedoptions for manual adjustment of caption position
                        {caption of figure 3. this one has two images and uses subfigures with captions to address the subplots
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:3} and then there is something important about \autoref{fig:3:a} and \autoref{fig:3:b} but why does this latter one increase the figure counter?

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 4
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:4} but hey it's Figure 1.5 now...


正如 Zarko 所解释的那样,subfigure环境会增加figure计数器。一个丑陋的黑客建议是每次调用子图时手动减少计数器,方法是\addtocounter{figure}{-1}在代码中添加。这必须完成之内调用第一个用于图形编号和引用的工作figure之前的环境。subfigure




\geometry{a4paper, top=10mm, left=33mm, right=46mm, bottom=46mm, headsep=\baselineskip, 
          marginparwidth=43mm, marginparsep=1em}

% ********************************************************************
% captions, taking use of the margins
% ********************************************************************
    format=hang,                 % caption hangs behind label
    justification=justified,     % caption is a normal paragraph
    singlelinecheck=false,       % always left-align caption
    labelsep=quad,               % quad separator behind label
    labelfont=sc,                % label in scshape
    font=footnotesize            % all in small font size
    format=plain, %indention=2em, % whole line for caption, with indent after first
    justification=outerragged,    % caption is a normal paragraph
    singlelinecheck=false,        % always left-align caption
    labelsep=newline,             % quad separator behind label
    labelfont=sc,                 % label in scshape
    font=footnotesize             % all in small font size
    style = sidestyle,
\DeclareCaptionStyle{widetable}{style = stdstyle}
\DeclareCaptionStyle{widefigure}{style = stdstyle}
    style = sidestyle,
\usepackage[style = stdstyle]{caption}

\chapter{for the numbers}
    \sidecaption{caption of figure 1
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:1}

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 2. this one has two images but nor subfigures
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:2}

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 3. this one has two images and uses subfigures with captions to address the subplots
        \caption{some text for 3a}
        \caption{some text for 3b}
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:3} and then there is something important about \autoref{fig:3:a} and \autoref{fig:3:b} but why does this latter one increase the figure counter?

    \sidecaption{caption of figure 4
some text and we talk about \autoref{fig:4} but hey it's Figure 1.5 now...

