



\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}



% *******************************Margin Settings*******************************

\geometry{% margin settings, has to go first before \pagestyle{}
    inner=2.5cm, % Inner margin
    outer=2.5cm, % Outer margin
    bindingoffset=0.0cm, % Binding offset
    top=2.5cm, % Top margin
    bottom=2.5cm, % Bottom margin
    headsep=3.5mm,% controles header  
    footskip=6.4mm,% controles footer
    %showframe,% show how the type block is set on the page

% ***************************Header/Footer Settings****************************

\sectionfont{\LARGE\bfseries}%this will keep the formattings of sections
\fancyhf{} % sets all head and foot elements empty.
\rhead{} % right side of upper footer 
\lhead{Project title} %left side 
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{2.0pt} % Width of the top line
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.0pt} % Bottom line 
\setlength{\headheight}{14.5pt}%used to remove the \fancyhf{} \headheight error
\rfoot{Page \thepage} % vice versa with the page number 
\lfoot{\leftmark} % Should show the name of section 

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{%this avoids the \makecaptical of footers
  \markboth{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\z@ %this allowes symbols in foorters
      \thesection\hskip 1em\relax
    \fi #1}{}}

%****************************ADD NEW CODE HERE**********************

{\Huge{\textbf{Project of...}}} 

\textsc{\Large My name}\\[0.5cm] 

{\large My ID number}\\[0.5cm] 


% Begin 



\chapter{chapter 1}
\section{section 1.1}
\subsection{subection 1.1.1}

\chapter{chapter 2}
\section{section 2.1}
\subsection{subection 2.1.1}


% end 




这是“代码 1”(将添加到上面“新代码”部分中的序言中):

\fancypagestyle{chapterstart}{% 1st page of the chapters, i.e. no new page for chapter




此代码允许我在同一页上开始新的章节,并且还将页眉和页脚保留在同一页上。但是这会重置每个章节的章节编号。例如,“第 2 章,第 2.1 节”将改为“第 2 章,第 1.1 节”。

这是“代码 2”(与以前一样,将添加在上面):


此代码允许我在同一页上开始一个章节,并保留原始的章节编号,例如“第 2 章,第 2.1 节”将保留为“第 2 章,第 2.1 节”。但是我的页眉和页脚不会包含在同一页上


如何结合“代码 1”和“代码 2”来实现:在同一页面上开始新的章节,将页眉和页脚保留在新的章节页面上,并保留章节编号的格式。


代码 1 无需 即可运行\renewcommand\thesection{\@arabic\c@section}。这省略了章节编号(原始内容为\thechapter.\@arabic\c@section)。



在代码 2 中用\chapter进行更改\patchcmd,这样做的好处是,如果命令发生更改并且无法再修补,则可以发出警告或错误(最后一个参数,代码中的示例)。

\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}



% *******************************Margin Settings*******************************

\geometry{% margin settings, has to go first before \pagestyle{}
    inner=2.5cm, % Inner margin
    outer=2.5cm, % Outer margin
    bindingoffset=0.0cm, % Binding offset
    top=2.5cm, % Top margin
    bottom=2.5cm, % Bottom margin
    headsep=3.5mm,% controles header  
    footskip=6.4mm,% controles footer
    %showframe,% show how the type block is set on the page

% ***************************Header/Footer Settings****************************

\sectionfont{\LARGE\bfseries}%this will keep the formattings of sections
\fancyhf{} % sets all head and foot elements empty.
\rhead{} % right side of upper footer 
\lhead{Project title} %left side 
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{2.0pt} % Width of the top line
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.0pt} % Bottom line 
\setlength{\headheight}{14.5pt}%used to remove the \fancyhf{} \headheight error
\rfoot{Page \thepage} % vice versa with the page number 
\lfoot{\leftmark} % Should show the name of section 

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{%this avoids the \makecaptical of footers
  \markboth{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\z@ %this allowes symbols in foorters
      \thesection\hskip 1em\relax
    \fi #1}{}}

%****************************ADD NEW CODE HERE**********************

{\Huge{\textbf{Project of...}}} 

\textsc{\Large My name}\\[0.5cm] 

{\large My ID number}\\[0.5cm] 

% Code 2
% no new page for \chapter
% don't change the pagestyle
    % example for a warning, 'Package' in text necessary to make TexStudio show it.
    \GenericWarning{(preamble)\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces}{Package preamble Warning: patching \string\chapter\space did not work.}}
% allow floats on top of the page with a new chapter
% if not commented out, first paragraph will be indented


% Begin 



\chapter{chapter 1}
\section{section 1.1}
\subsection{subection 1.1.1}

\chapter{chapter 2}
\section{section 2.1}
\subsection{subection 2.1.1}


% end 


