我有一个整页图形,比如 8.5x11 整页,而不仅仅是整个文本区域。
\caption{Long long caption here. }
标题被上移了,但它太长了,所以我需要把它拆分到下一页。我尝试使用 caption 包和 \ContinuedFloat
\caption{More of long caption here}
1) 这需要我手动拆分标题,这有点繁琐,因为我有近 100 个图。有没有办法设置“标题高度”,以便它根据我提供的参数自动在第一个标题和连续标题之间拆分?比如在拆分 3 行之后?或者在 0.75 英寸之后拆分到下一个连续浮点数?
2)我可以让连续浮动中的第二个标题在其上方有一条小线,就像使用 \footnote{} 时一样吗?
我相信我有一个 MWE 可以表明正在发生的事情。
% Page Captioning
\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{#1 ˜#2 (cont.)} % Define a 'continued' label. Then what the label should look like
\captionsetup[ContinuedFloat]{labelformat=continued} % Now use that label format for captions of continued floats
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
%For now, figure vertical offsets just match \pageMargin. And each figure needs to make it's own margin. This could be adjusted to something else though
% Define page geometry
% Page Spacing
\vspace*{-\fullFigVOffset} % Note the negative
\vspace*{-\fullFigVOffset} %
\vspace*{-\fullFigVOffset} %
\label{GInt_01} % Label must come after figure Caption to reference correctly
\caption{I want the caption above to split at the 'regular' page margins to here.}
此外,裁剪似乎并没有真正解决我的问题,它只是允许我去掉 (-) 垂直空间以将标题向上移动。标题对于页面来说仍然太长,需要拆分。
标题本身不能被打破,所以我将内容分开。这意味着图 1.1和图 1.1(续)必须与内容分开放在一行。我调整了长度以包含此行和\abovecaptionskip
% Page Captioning
\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{#1 ˜#2 (cont.)} % Define a 'continued' label. Then what the label should look like
\captionsetup[ContinuedFloat]{labelformat=continued} % Now use that label format for captions of continued floats
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.7}% for VERY large bottom floats
\newcommand{\splitcaption}[3][\empty]% #1 = short caption (optional), #2 = caption, #3 = length before split
\advance\dimen0 by -\baselineskip
\advance\dimen0 by -\abovecaptionskip
\setbox1=\vsplit0 to \dimen0
\caption[]{\usebox\contbox}% no entry in LOF
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
%For now, figure vertical offsets just match \pageMargin. And each figure needs to make it's own margin. This could be adjusted to something else though
% Define page geometry
% Page Spacing
\vspace*{-\fullFigVOffset} % Note the negative
\vspace*{-\fullFigVOffset} %
\vspace*{-\fullFigVOffset} %
\splitcaption[short caption]{\blindtext[3]}{1in}
\label{GInt_01}% Label must come after figure Caption to reference correctly