2x2 表格的中心标题

2x2 表格的中心标题

在我的 2x2 表格中,我想将标题“Ashley”和“Matt”定位为始终相对于文本相邻列居中。我附上了一张理想位置的图片(红色框)。



\usepackage[section]{placeins}%Allows you to permanently fix figures. 
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\begin{tabular}{ r p{50mm} p{50mm}}
    &  \multicolumn{1}{c}{Heading}
    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Heading} \\
    Ashley & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \par There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \\
    Matt & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \par There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \par There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \\

    \caption{Cognitive walkthrough goals, tasks and actions}
    \label{table:comparison of techniques}
            >{\centering\arraybackslash}X  % content of `X` column is now centered
        \thead{\textbf{Goal}}& \thead{\textbf{Task}} & \thead{\textbf{Action}} \\
        Evaluate the ease in which users can join projects
        &   Task 1:  Access and account set up
        &   \begin{enumerate}
            \item   Text.

            \item Join the project.
        \end{enumerate}     \\
        Evaluate the ease in learning to map
        &   Task 2:  Learning how to map
        &   Read tutorial   \\
        Contribute data
        &   Task 3: Contributing data by classifying maps
        &   \begin{enumerate}
            \item Begin mapping.
            \item Text.

            \item Review maps classified.
        \end{enumerate}     \\
        Evaluate if the user likes using the application and whether they like using it
        & -- & --                   \\
        \vspace{-18mm}%needed otherwise the table gets lost between pagebreaks. 

图片-理想位置 在此处输入图片描述




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\usepackage{booktabs, ltablex, makecell}
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%        before     = \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip},
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\begin{tabular}{r m{50mm} m{50mm}}
    &  \multicolumn{1}{c}{Heading}
    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Heading} \\
        & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \par
        There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use.    \\
        & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \par
        There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. & There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \par
          There is virtually no feedback given by the interface during use. \\

    \caption{Cognitive walkthrough goals, tasks and actions}
    \label{table:comparison of techniques}
            >{\centering\arraybackslash}X  % content of `X` column is now centered
    \thead{Goal} & \thead{Task} & \thead{Action}    \\
    Evaluate the ease in which users can join projects
        &   Task 1:  Access and account set up
        &   \begin{enumerate}
            \item   Text.

            \item Join the project.
        \end{enumerate}     \\
        Evaluate the ease in learning to map
        &   Task 2:  Learning how to map
        &   Read tutorial   \\
        Contribute data
        &   Task 3: Contributing data by classifying maps
        &   \begin{enumerate}
            \item Begin mapping.
            \item Text.

            \item Review maps classified.
        \end{enumerate}     \\
        Evaluate if the user likes using the application and whether they like using it
        & -- & --                   \\
        \vspace{-18mm}%needed otherwise the table gets lost between pagebreaks.

