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\section{Capacity} \par 
Let $\rho_{P}$ and $\rho_{S}$ be the capacity of PU and SU service respectively. Correspondingly we obtain
$$ \rho_{P} =\sum_{x\epsilon S}(i_{n} + i_{r})\mu_{P}\pi(x)$$\par
$$ \rho_{S} =\sum_{x\epsilon S}(j_{n1} + j_{n2} + j_{r1} + j_{r2})\mu_{S}\pi(x)$$
\section{Channel Availability}
$A_P$ denotes availability of PU service. We obtain
$$ A_{P}=1-\sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M \;or\; B_n(x)=M-R(x);\; j_{n1}=j_{n2}=0}}\pi(x)$$ 
Similarly, $A_{S1}$ denotes availability of $SU_{1}$ service. We obtain $$ A_{S1}=1-\sum_{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M \;or\; B_n(x)=M-R(x);\; j_{n2}=0}\pi(x)$$
Similarly, $A_{S2}$ denotes availability of $SU_{2}$ service. We obtain\\
$$A_{S2}=1-\sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M}}\pi(x)$$\par 
Accordingly the blocking probabilities of PU and SU services, denoted as $P^{B}_{P}$ and $P^{B}_{S}$ respectively, are obtained as
$$ P^{B}_{P}=1-A_P$$
The retainability of a service, $\theta$ , is expressed as
$$\theta= 1 - P_F$$\\ 
where $P_F$ is the forced termination probability of that service. \par
Now, denote the rate of forced terminations SUs due to PU arrivals as $R_S$. Then we have
$$ R_{S1}=\lambda_P \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M;\;\; j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0;\;\;  j_{n1}>0}}\pi(x)$$\\
Similarly, the rate of forced termination of $SU_{2}$ due to $PU$ and $SU_1$ arrivals are respectively given as:
$$ R_{S2}=\lambda_P \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M;\;j_{n2}>0$$ and 
$$ R_{S2}=\lambda_S \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M;\;j_{n2}>0$$ \par
\section{Forced Termination on Channel Failure}
In addition, ongoing $SU_1$ services can also be terminated upon a channel failure when all other channels in the CRN are busy. Denote the rate of forced termination of SUs due to channel failure as $R^{'}_{S1}$. It is obtained by 
$$ R^{'}_{S1}=\lambda_F\sum_{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M\\ ((j_{n1}>0;\;j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0)\; or\; (B_n(x)=0;\;jr_1=0\; jr_1>0))}(M-f)\pi(x).$$
For $SU_2$, we have 
$$ R^{'}_{S2}=\lambda_F \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S\\ (j_{n2}>0\;or\;\; j_{r1}>0))}}(M-f)\pi(x).$$
\subsection{Retainability of the SN:}
Since the effective rate in which a new SU service is assigned a channel is $\Lambda_S=A_S\lambda_S$, we have $ P^F_S=(R_S+R^{'}_{S})/\Lambda_S$\\
Correspondingly, the retainability of SU services, $\theta_S$, can be expressed as 
$$ \theta_S=1-\frac{(R_S + R^{'}_{S})}{\Lambda_S}$$
\subsection{Retainability of the PN:} Similarly, the forced termination probability of PU services due to channel failures, $P^F_P$, can be expressed as 
$$ P^F_P=\frac{(R_P+R^{'}_P)}{\Lambda_P}$$\\
where $R^{'}_P$ and $\Lambda_P$ are given by 
$$R^{'}_P=\lambda_F \quad \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M\\ ((j_{n1}=j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0;\; i_n>0)\; or\; (B_n(x)=j_{r2}=0;\; i_r>0))}} (M - f) \pi(x)$$\\
and $\Lambda_P=A_p\lambda_P$ respectively. Note that $R_P$, which denotes the forced termination rate of PUs due to new user arrivals, always equals zero since none of the ongoing PUs can be terminated due to the arrivals of new users. Therefore, the retainability of PU services, $\theta_P$, is given by 
Accordingly, the NUP for SU services, $Q_S$, can be defined as the probability that an SU service cannot be completed successfully. It is obtained by calculating the ratio between the rate of service completions and the rate of arrivals as follows:\par  
Q_S&=& \text{1 - (prob. of successfully finishing an SU service)}\\
&=&1 - \frac{\lambda_S(1 - P^B_S)(1-P^F_S)}{\lambda_S}\\
&=&P^B_S + P^F_S - P^B_S P^F_S\\
Q_S&=&P^B_S + P^F_S - P^B_S P^F_S
Similarly, the NUP for PUs, $Q_P$ can be derived as follows.
$$Q_P=P^B_P + P^F_P - P^B_PP^F_P$$






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Let $\rho_{P}$ and $\rho_{S}$ be the capacity of PU and SU service 
respectively. Correspondingly we obtain
\rho_{P} =\sum_{x\in S}(i_{n} + i_{r})\mu_{P}\pi(x)
\rho_{S} =\sum_{x\in S}(j_{n1} + j_{n2} + j_{r1} + j_{r2})\mu_{S}\pi(x)

\section{Channel Availability}

$A_P$ denotes availability of PU service. We obtain
1-\sum_{\substack{x\in S \\ B(x)=M\text{ or }B_n(x)=M-R(x);\\ j_{n1}=j_{n2}=0}}\pi(x)
Similarly, $A_{S1}$ denotes availability of $SU_{1}$ service. 
We obtain
A_{S1}=1-\sum_{\substack{x\in S \\ B(x)=M\text{ or }B_n(x)=M-R(x);\\ j_{n2}=0}}\pi(x)
Similarly, $A_{S2}$ denotes availability of $SU_{2}$ service. We obtain
A_{S2}=1-\sum_{\substack{x\in S \\ B(x)=M}}\pi(x)

Accordingly the blocking probabilities of PU and SU services, 
denoted as $P^{B}_{P}$ and $P^{B}_{S}$ respectively, are obtained as
The retainability of a service, $\theta$ , is expressed as
\theta= 1 - P_F
where $P_F$ is the forced termination probability of that service.

Now, denote the rate of forced terminations SUs due to PU arrivals 
as $R_S$. Then we have
\lambda_P \sum_{\substack{x\in S \\ B(x)=M;\\ j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0;\\  j_{n1}>0}}\pi(x)
Similarly, the rate of forced termination of $SU_{2}$ due to $PU$ 
and $SU_1$ arrivals are respectively given as:
R_{S2}=\lambda_P \sum_{\substack{x\in S \\B(x)=M;\\ j_{n2}>0}}\pi(x)
R_{S2}=\lambda_S \sum_{\substack{x\in S \\B(x)=M;\\ j_{n2}>0}}\pi(x)

\section{Forced Termination on Channel Failure}

In addition, ongoing $SU_1$ services can also be terminated upon a 
channel failure when all other channels in the CRN are busy. Denote 
the rate of forced termination of SUs due to channel failure as 
$R'_{S1}$. It is obtained by 
R'_{S1}=\lambda_F\sum_{\substack{x\in S \\B(x)=M\\ ((j_{n1}>0;\; j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0)\;
\text{ or }\; (B_n(x)=0;\;jr_1=0\; jr_1>0))}}(M-f)\pi(x).
For $SU_2$, we have 
R'_{S2}=\lambda_F \sum_{\substack{x\in S\\ (j_{n2}>0\text{ or }j_{r1}>0))}}


\subsection{Retainability of the SN:}

Since the effective rate in which a new SU service is assigned a channel 
is $\Lambda_S=A_S\lambda_S$, we have $ P^F_S=(R_S+R'_{S})/\Lambda_S$.

Correspondingly, the retainability of SU services, $\theta_S$, can be expressed as 
theta_S=1-\frac{(R_S + R'_{S})}{\Lambda_S}

\subsection{Retainability of the PN:} 

Similarly, the forced termination probability of PU services due to 
channel failures, $P^F_P$, can be expressed as 
where $R'_P$ and $\Lambda_P$ are given by 
R'_P=\lambda_F \sum_{\substack{x\in S \\B(x)=M\\ 
  ((j_{n1}=j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0;\; i_n>0)\text{ or }(B_n(x)=j_{r2}=0;\; i_r>0))}} 
(M - f) \pi(x)
and $\Lambda_P=A_p\lambda_P$ respectively. Note that $R_P$, which denotes 
the forced termination rate of PUs due to new user arrivals, always equals 
zero since none of the ongoing PUs can be terminated due to the arrivals 
of new users. Therefore, the retainability of PU services, $\theta_P$, 
is given by 


Accordingly, the NUP for SU services, $Q_S$, can be defined as the 
probability that an SU service cannot be completed successfully. 
It is obtained by calculating the ratio between the rate of service 
completions and the rate of arrivals as follows:
Q_S &= 1- \text{(prob. of successfully finishing an SU service)}\\
    &= 1 - \frac{\lambda_S(1 - P^B_S)(1-P^F_S)}{\lambda_S}\\
    &= P^B_S + P^F_S - P^B_S P^F_S\\
Q_S &= P^B_S + P^F_S - P^B_S P^F_S
Similarly, the NUP for PUs, $Q_P$ can be derived as follows:
Q_P=P^B_P + P^F_P - P^B_PP^F_P




\section{Capacity} \par 
Let $\rho_{P}$ and $\rho_{S}$ be the capacity of PU and SU service respectively. Correspondingly we obtain
$$ \rho_{P} =\sum_{x\epsilon S}(i_{n} + i_{r})\mu_{P}\pi(x)$$\par
$$ \rho_{S} =\sum_{x\epsilon S}(j_{n1} + j_{n2} + j_{r1} + j_{r2})\mu_{S}\pi(x)$$
\section{Channel Availability}
$A_P$ denotes availability of PU service. We obtain
$$ A_{P}=1-\sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M \;or\; B_n(x)=M-R(x);\; j_{n1}=j_{n2}=0}}\pi(x)$$ 
Similarly, $A_{S1}$ denotes availability of $SU_{1}$ service. We obtain $$ A_{S1}=1-\sum_{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M \;or\; B_n(x)=M-R(x);\; j_{n2}=0}\pi(x)$$
Similarly, $A_{S2}$ denotes availability of $SU_{2}$ service. We obtain\\
$$A_{S2}=1-\sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M}}\pi(x)$$\par 
Accordingly the blocking probabilities of PU and SU services, denoted as $P^{B}_{P}$ and $P^{B}_{S}$ respectively, are obtained as
$$ P^{B}_{P}=1-A_P$$
The retainability of a service, $\theta$ , is expressed as
$$\theta= 1 - P_F$$\\ 
where $P_F$ is the forced termination probability of that service. \par
Now, denote the rate of forced terminations SUs due to PU arrivals as $R_S$. Then we have
$$ R_{S1}=\lambda_P \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M;\;\; j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0;\;\;  j_{n1}>0}}\pi(x)$$\\
Similarly, the rate of forced termination of $SU_{2}$ due to $PU$ and $SU_1$ arrivals are respectively given as:
\textcolor{red}{\bfseries{}There are two "\}" missing in the index of the sum}
$$ R_{S2}=\lambda_P \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M}};\;j_{n2}>0$$ and 
$$ R_{S2}=\lambda_S \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M}};\;j_{n2}>0$$ \par
\section{Forced Termination on Channel Failure}
In addition, ongoing $SU_1$ services can also be terminated upon a channel failure when all other channels in the CRN are busy. Denote the rate of forced termination of SUs due to channel failure as $R^{'}_{S1}$. It is obtained by 
$$ R^{'}_{S1}=\lambda_F\sum_{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M\\ ((j_{n1}>0;\;j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0)\; or\; (B_n(x)=0;\;jr_1=0\; jr_1>0))}(M-f)\pi(x).$$
For $SU_2$, we have 
$$ R^{'}_{S2}=\lambda_F \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S\\ (j_{n2}>0\;or\;\; j_{r1}>0))}}(M-f)\pi(x).$$
\subsection{Retainability of the SN:}
Since the effective rate in which a new SU service is assigned a channel is $\Lambda_S=A_S\lambda_S$, we have $ P^F_S=(R_S+R^{'}_{S})/\Lambda_S$\\
Correspondingly, the retainability of SU services, $\theta_S$, can be expressed as 
$$ \theta_S=1-\frac{(R_S + R^{'}_{S})}{\Lambda_S}$$
\subsection{Retainability of the PN:} Similarly, the forced termination probability of PU services due to channel failures, $P^F_P$, can be expressed as 
$$ P^F_P=\frac{(R_P+R^{'}_P)}{\Lambda_P}$$\\
where $R^{'}_P$ and $\Lambda_P$ are given by 
$$R^{'}_P=\lambda_F \quad \sum_{\substack{x\epsilon S \\B(x)=M\\ ((j_{n1}=j_{n2}=j_{r2}=0;\; i_n>0)\; or\; (B_n(x)=j_{r2}=0;\; i_r>0))}} (M - f) \pi(x)$$\\
and $\Lambda_P=A_p\lambda_P$ respectively. Note that $R_P$, which denotes the forced termination rate of PUs due to new user arrivals, always equals zero since none of the ongoing PUs can be terminated due to the arrivals of new users. Therefore, the retainability of PU services, $\theta_P$, is given by 
Accordingly, the NUP for SU services, $Q_S$, can be defined as the probability that an SU service cannot be completed successfully. It is obtained by calculating the ratio between the rate of service completions and the rate of arrivals as follows:\par  
Q_S&=& \text{1 - (prob. of successfully finishing an SU service)}\\
&=&1 - \frac{\lambda_S(1 - P^B_S)(1-P^F_S)}{\lambda_S}\\
&=&P^B_S + P^F_S - P^B_S P^F_S\\
Q_S&=&P^B_S + P^F_S - P^B_S P^F_S
Similarly, the NUP for PUs, $Q_P$ can be derived as follows.
$$Q_P=P^B_P + P^F_P - P^B_PP^F_P$$

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