自定义 LaTeX 徽标问题

自定义 LaTeX 徽标问题

我一直在尝试为我正在撰写的论文创建一个 KaTeX 徽标,但是当我组合以下包并尝试将徽标放在标题中时,它似乎崩溃了。

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}


% define KaTeX logo
  K\kern -.19em
  {\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox{%
  \selectfont A}%
}\kern -.15em



19: Argument of \select@group has an extra }. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \select@group was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Argument of \select@group has an extra }. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \select@group was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Argument of \select@group has an extra }. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \select@group was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Argument of \select@group has an extra }. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \select@group was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \HyPsd@@ProtectSpacesFi was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Missing { inserted. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Infinite glue shrinkage found on current page. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Use of \HyPsd@RemoveMask doesn't match its definition. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Undefined control sequence. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \HyPsd@RemoveBraces was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Argument of \HyPsd@CheckCatcodes has an extra }. [ \section{\KaTeX}]
19: Paragraph ended before \HyPsd@CheckCatcodes was complete. [ \section{\KaTeX}]



问题是,章节标题不仅显示在 pdf 中,还用于书签等,这些书签不接受特殊字符并使标记复杂化。

\texorpdfstring{<for pdf>}{<for bookmarks>}您可以通过提供用于书签的替代文本来解决该问题:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}


% define KaTeX logo
  K\kern -.19em
  {\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox{%
  \selectfont A}%
}\kern -.15em

