使用 biblatex 编码 latin1 时出现问题

使用 biblatex 编码 latin1 时出现问题

我在软件包方面遇到了一些麻烦biblatex。当我尝试编译(使用 pdflatex)时,返回了以下 WARN 消息:

Process started: biber.exe AuxDirectory/"example"

INFO - This is Biber 2.12
INFO - Logfile is 'AuxDirectory/example.blg'
INFO - Reading 'AuxDirectory/example.bcf'
INFO - Found 2 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'example.bib' for section 0
INFO - LaTeX decoding ...
INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'example.bib'
INFO - Overriding locale 'pt-BR' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
INFO - Overriding locale 'pt-BR' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
INFO - Sorting list 'none/global//global/global' of type 'entry' with template 'none' and locale 'pt-BR'
INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'pt-BR'
INFO - Writing 'AuxDirectory/example.bbl' with encoding 'latin1'
WARN - The entry 'Adam2009' has characters which cannot be encoded in 'latin1'.
       - Recoding problematic characters into macros.
WARN - The entry 'Adam2010' has characters which cannot be encoded in 'latin1'.
       - Recoding problematic characters into macros.
INFO - Output to AuxDirectory/example.bbl

Process exited normally

我已经为我的 tex 文件使用了以下最少代码:





下面,我还提供了带有有问题的两个参考文献的最小 bib-code。

  author    = {Adam, C. and Klimas, P. and S{\'a}nchez-Guill{\'e}n, J. and Wereszczy{\'n}ski, A.},
  title     = {Compact baby Skyrmions},
  journal   = {Physical Review D},
  year      = {2009},
  volume    = {\bfseries 80},
  issue     = {10},
  month     = {11},
  pages     = {105013},
  doi       = {10.1103/PhysRevD.80.105013},
  url       = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.80.105013},
  urldate   = {2019-01-31},
  numpages  = {14},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},

  author       = {Adam, C. and Roma{\'n}czukiewicz, T. and S{\'a}nchez-Guill{\'e}n, J. and Wereszczy{\'n}ski, A.},
  title        = {Investigation of restricted baby Skyrme models},
  journaltitle = {Phys.ical Review D},
  year         = {2010},
  volume       = {\bfseries 81},
  number       = {8},
  month        = {4},
  pages        = {085007},
  doi          = {10.1103/PhysRevD.81.085007},
  url          = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.81.085007},
  urldate      = {2019-01-31},
  numpages     = {10},
  publisher    = {American Physical Society},

显然,问题是由于{\'n}无法用“ ”对字符进行编码而发生latin1的。我试图更改代码,但没有成功。如果有人知道如何解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。


此消息仅仅是一个警告,如果您认为采取行动(即使用utf8而不是latin1)对您来说不值得,则可以安全地忽略此消息(让我补充一点,我绝对认为使用 UTF-8 编码所有内容是最好的解决方案,但您会有自己的理由)。

出现警告的原因是ń不包含在 Latin-1 中,因此如果您坚持使用 Latin-1,则只能将其导出为 LaTeX 宏组合,而不是真实字符(事实上,Biber 可能比这里需要的更激进一些:它将使用 ASCII 宏写出整个条目,而不仅仅是有问题的字符)。这与字符的输入无关,因为 Biber 在内部将所有内容转换为 UTF-8 以便能够进行排序。它只关心如何将字符写入文件.bbl以供进一步处理biblatex

您可以通过使用选项调用 Biber 来避免警告--output-safechars,即

biber --output-safechars <filename>

.bbl这将使所有非 ASCII 字符保留为宏形式,并且不会尝试将任何字符转换为 Latin-1 的非 ASCII 范围。(因此,如果您的条目包含所有 Latin-1 字符,您会看到差异。)


volume    = {\bfseries 80},


volume    = {80},

\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{volume}{\mkbibbold{#1}}% volume of a journal

