如何消除我的 tex 演示幻灯片中的这些错误?

如何消除我的 tex 演示幻灯片中的这些错误?




%\setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=darkred!80!white}
% \usetheme{Boadilla}

%\The new themes are Warsaw, Boadilla, AnnArbor,Rochester,Antibes,JuanLesPins,Berlin,rounded,crane
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{theorems}[ams style]

\newcommand{\Date}{3 october 2019}% change the date here
\newcommand{\companyName}{Company Name Here} % change company name here
\newcommand{\Speaker}{Speaker} %change speaker name with 'speaker'
\newcommand{\SpeakerTitle}{Speaker's Title} %change speaker title with "Speaker's Title"
\title[company name]
{\LARGE \textbf{company name}}



 ABC Uni

\date[]{ }
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}



%  \titlepage
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FRAME 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  \tikz[remember picture, overlay] \fill[green] (current page.south west) rectangle ++(\paperwidth,0.27cm); %Draw green line at the bottom of the page

    \vspace*{-0.5in} %adjust this if your logo is being cropped from top
        \newgeometry{textwidth = 5cm} % change it if you change the width of the logo
        {\textcolor{white}{A tagline for the company spans}}\\
        {\textcolor{white}{two lines just under the logo.}} \\
        \newgeometry{textwidth = 5cm} % change it if you change the width of the logo

%\textcolor{white}{\text{A tagline for the company \\ 
%spans two lines just under the logo}} 
    % blank
        \begin{tcolorbox}[standard jigsaw, opacityback = 0, top =2cm, left = 0 cm, colframe=white, width = 4.5cm]
            \textcolor{white}{\textbf{CLICK TO ADD TITLE}}
        \textcolor{white}{\Speaker, \SpeakerTitle}

%\textcolor{white}{click to add title}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FRAME 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tikz[remember picture, overlay] \fill[green] (current page.south west) rectangle ++(\paperwidth,0.27cm); %Draw green line at the bottom of the page

\section{Open Ball, Closed Ball, Sphere}\label{1114}
        \tiny{\companyName $ |$ \Date}

        \begin{tcolorbox}[standard jigsaw, opacityback = 0, top =0.5cm, bottom = 0.5cm, left = 0 cm, colframe=black]
    \textbf{CLICK TO ADD TITLE} %Edit this if you just want to change the text, else if you want to remove complete box then delete the block of "tcolorbox" and start writting required text

        \begin{tcolorbox}[standard jigsaw, opacityback = 0, bottom =2in , left = 0 cm, colframe=black]
    \textbf{CLICK TO ADD TITLE} %Edit this if you just want to change the text, else if you want to remove complete box then delete the block of "tcolorbox" and start writting required text
    \begin{picture}(25, 30)(-293, -215)


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FRAME 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tikz[remember picture, overlay] \fill[green] (current page.south west) rectangle ++(\paperwidth,0.27cm); %Draw green line at the bottom of the page
    \vspace*{-1in} %adjust this if your logo is being cropped from top
        \newgeometry{textwidth = 5cm} % change it if you change the width of the logo
        {\textcolor{white}{A tagline for the company spans}}\\
        {\textcolor{white}{two lines just under the logo.}} \\
        \newgeometry{textwidth = 5cm} % change it if you change the width of the logo

%\textcolor{white}{\text{A tagline for the company \\ 
%spams two lines just under the logo}} 
    % blank
    \textcolor{white}{\Speaker, \SpeakerTitle}

%   \section{1}

