arXiv:未定义的参考和引文,无法转换为 PDF

arXiv:未定义的参考和引文,无法转换为 PDF

我无法.bbl通过 arXiv 的 TeX 提交处理带有参考书目的简单 LaTeX 文件(作为文件)。我使用acmart的格式使用natbib,它在 Overleaf 上编译得很好。使用 arXiv 时,它会在日志中警告我的参考文献和引文未定义,并且在处理页面的顶部显示“无法转换为 pdf”。



% This fixes a different, unrelated issue

\title{This Be The \TeX}

This is the introduction, \autoref{sec:intro}. Take a look at \cite{coq}.


我还有一个00README.XXX文件,其中有一行,nohypertex因为 ACM 的加载hyperref与 arXiv 的加载发生冲突。


  author       = {The Coq Development Team},
  title        = {The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.9.0},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2019,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2554024},
  url          = {}

main.bbl在 Overleaf 上使用“提交”>“arXiv”,它会在 zip 文件中给出以下内容:

%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% Do NOT edit. File created by BibTeX with style
%%% ACM-Reference-Format-Journals [18-Jan-2012].


%%% ====================================================================
%%% NOTE TO THE USER: you can override these defaults by providing
%%% customized versions of any of these macros before the \bibliography
%%% command.  Each of them MUST provide its own final punctuation,
%%% except for \shownote{}, \showDOI{}, and \showURL{}.  The latter two
%%% do not use final punctuation, in order to avoid confusing it with
%%% the Web address.
%%% To suppress output of a particular field, define its macro to expand
%%% to an empty string, or better, \unskip, like this:
%%% \newcommand{\showDOI}[1]{\unskip}   % LaTeX syntax
%%% \def \showDOI #1{\unskip}           % plain TeX syntax
%%% ====================================================================

\ifx \showCODEN    \undefined \def \showCODEN     #1{\unskip}     \fi
\ifx \showDOI      \undefined \def \showDOI       #1{#1}\fi
\ifx \showISBNx    \undefined \def \showISBNx     #1{\unskip}     \fi
\ifx \showISBNxiii \undefined \def \showISBNxiii  #1{\unskip}     \fi
\ifx \showISSN     \undefined \def \showISSN      #1{\unskip}     \fi
\ifx \showLCCN     \undefined \def \showLCCN      #1{\unskip}     \fi
\ifx \shownote     \undefined \def \shownote      #1{#1}          \fi
\ifx \showarticletitle \undefined \def \showarticletitle #1{#1}   \fi
\ifx \showURL      \undefined \def \showURL       {\relax}        \fi
% The following commands are used for tagged output and should be
% invisible to TeX

\bibfield{author}{\bibinfo{person}{The Coq~Development Team}.}
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.9.0}.


最后,我从 arXiv 获得的日志是这里

我在这里遗漏了什么?我不知道是否hyperrefnatbib是否造成了问题,或者是否是其他问题。我想在中提交我的论文acmsmall,所以我希望解决方案不会涉及干扰它或其他 ACM 选项。


正如评论所说,警告只在第一次运行时出现,并在后续运行时消失。通过\pdfoutput=1在主文件的开头添加“无法转换为 PDF”错误已得到修复。
