\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\draw (0,0) |- ++(1,1) to[rmeter, name=W] ++(2,0);
% add the lines to the rmeter
\draw [very thick] (W.west) -- (W.east);
\draw (W.north) -- (W.south);
% leads
\draw (0,0) to[short, *-] (W.south|- 0,0) -- (W.south);
\draw (W.north) |- ++(1,1);
% Overall font to Times New Roman
%\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
% Add a period (.) after the clause numbering (in the actual document, NOT toc)
\def\@seccntformat#1{\csname the#1\endcsname.\quad}
% Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Hyperlinks %
\usepackage{tikz,pgfplots} %TikZ is required for this to work. Make sure this exists before the next line
%\usepackage{tikz-3dplot} %requires 3dplot.sty to be in same directory, or in your LaTeX installation
\pgfplotsset{compat = 1.10}
\tikzset{voltage dir = RP}
%\tikzexternalize[prefix=tikz/,optimize command away=\includepdf]
\sisetup{output-decimal-marker = {,}}
\usepackage{steinmetz} %for phase angles
% omit page numbers from citations
% \mbf bold upright math
% \mbs bold italic math
% For mtpro2 users, switch \mathbold to \mbs
% For non-mtpro2 users, switch \mbf to \mathbf
\@ifpackageloaded{mtpro2}{}{\let\mbf\mathbf} }
\def\rms{\ensuremath{\mathrm{RMS}}} % see IEC 60050 effective value
{ % power meter, active - P [W], reactive - Q [var] and apparent - \S [VA]
% proposed unified symbol for use - also Q1-Q4 implied in symbol
% the diagonal link symbol might also be angular or omitted.
\draw (0.5,5) to [open] (1,5) to [rmeter, name=W,i_=$I_a$] ++(1.8,0);
\draw [very thick] (W.west) -- (W.east);
\draw (W.north) to [open] (W.south) node[anchor=south]{\scriptsize[\si{VA}]};
\draw (W.west) ++(-0.5,0) to [short, o-] (W.east) to [short, -o] ++(0.5,0);
\draw (W.west) to[short,l={$\S_a$}] (W.east);
\draw (W.south) ++(0,-0.5) to [short, o-] (W.south) (W.north) to [short, -o] ++(0,+0.5);
\draw ($(W.north)+(0,+0.25)$) to [short, *-*] ($(W.west)-(0.25,0)$) ;
\draw ($(W.south)-(0,0.5)$) to [open, v>=~, voltage shift=1.0] ($(W.north)+(0,0.5)$);
\draw ($(W.north)+(0.25,0.25)$) node[anchor=west]{$U_a$};
{ % voltmeter All voltmeters are vertically connected
\draw (3,5) to [open] (3.15,5) to [rmeter, name=U,] ++(0.85,0);
% \draw [very thick] (W.west) -- (W.east);
\draw (U.north) to [open] (U.south) node[anchor=south]{\scriptsize[\si{V}]};
% \draw (U.west) ++(-0.5,0) to [short, o-] (W.east) to [short, -o] ++(0.5,0);
\draw ($(U.west)+(0.2,0)$) to [short,l={$U_a$}] ($(U.east)-(0.2,0)$);% package error when open!!!!
\draw (U.south) ++(0,-0.5) to [short, o-] (U.south) (U.north) to [short, -o] ++(0,+0.5);
% \draw ($(U.north)+(0,+0.25)$) to [short, *-*] ($(U.west)-(0.25,0)$) ;
\draw ($(U.south)-(0,0.5)$) to [open, v>=~, voltage shift=1.0] ($(U.north)+(0,0.5)$);
\draw ($(U.north)+(0.25,0.25)$) node[anchor=west]{$U_a$};
{ % ammeter All ammeters are vertically connected
\draw (4.0,5) to [open] (4.5,5) to [rmeter, name=A,i_=$I_a$] ++(1.8,0);
\draw [very thick] (A.west) -- (A.east);
\draw (A.north) to [open] (A.south) node[anchor=south]{\scriptsize[\si{A}]};
\draw (A.west) ++(-0.5,0) to [short, o-] (A.east) to [short, -o] ++(0.5,0);
\draw (A.west) to[short,l={$I_a$}] (A.east);
% \draw (A.south) ++(0,-0.5) to [short, o-] (A.south) (A.north) to [short, -o] ++(0,+0.5);
% \draw ($(A.north)+(0,+0.25)$) to [short, *-*] ($(A.west)-(0.25,0)$) ;
% \draw ($(A.south)-(0,0.5)$) to [open, v>=~, voltage shift=1.0] ($(A.north)+(0,0.5)$);
% \draw ($(A.north)+(0.25,0.25)$) node[anchor=west]{$\U_a$};
{ circuitikz ammeter - not IEC
% \draw (0.5,0) to [open] (1,0) to [ammeter, name=A, i_=$I_a$] ++(2,0);