我最近学习了如何使用 Pandoc 和 TexLive LaTeX 将 Markdown 转换为 Beamer 幻灯片。我使用的命令如下:
pandoc src/00_local_git.md -t beamer -o slides/00_local_git.pdf
但是,这不会将每个幻灯片标题添加为 PDF 中的书签。可以这样做吗?我的 Markdown 文件的顶部如下所示:
- Using Git Locally
- Phillip Dudley
- Copenhagen
# What is Git?
Git is a Source Control Management application.
Git is used to perform development in a decentralized manner.
Git uses a remote server to provide a centralized place to hold the source of
Everything in Git is a local operation.
# Defining terms
* What is SCM?
* Source Control Management/Manager
* The tool that tracks the changes made to files that are being watched by
the SCM tool.
* Git, SVN, VCS, HG are all SCM tools.
* What is a commit?
* A `commit` is a point in time after changes in files have been saved that
that Git is told to record the state of tracked files.
* What is a branch?
* A `branch` is a mirror image from a point in time of the parent where the
user can make changes without impacting the parent.
* What is an upstream?
* An `upstream` is where the original code came from.
* What is a remote?
* A special server where Git repositories are hosted for other to pull from
and make their upstream.