Although the more appropriate name for this discrete symmetry transformation
would be “motion reversal”, the term “time reversal transformation” is
so well established that we shall adopt this practice. It should be emphasized
from the outset that the time-reversal transformation does not cause a system
to evolve backwards in time, despite the fact that it includes a change
in the time argument of a state.
(need spacing manually over here say)
One does not need clocks that run
backwards in order to study time reversal and the invariance of a theory
under this transformation. What one is really dealing with is a reversal of
the motion. In quantum mechanics the situation is further complicated by
a formal difficulty: In order to describe time reversal, one needs antiunitary
operators. In this section we first study the time-reversal transformation in
classical mechanics and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and then turn
our attention to the Dirac equation.
另外,我不确定,但我认为 latex 编辑器(假设我使用的是 tex studio)在所有边都使用默认边距。我希望在装订报告时,左侧有足够的间距,因为 latex 默认会在上方留出空间。
Although the more appropriate name for this discrete symmetry transformation
would be “motion reversal”, the term “time reversal transformation” is
so well established that we shall adopt this practice. It should be emphasized
from the outset that the time-reversal transformation does not cause a system
to evolve backwards in time, despite the fact that it includes a change
in the time argument of a state.
One does not need clocks that run
backwards in order to study time reversal and the invariance of a theory
under this transformation. What one is really dealing with is a reversal of
the motion. In quantum mechanics the situation is further complicated by
a formal difficulty: In order to describe time reversal, one needs antiunitary
operators. In this section we first study the time-reversal transformation in
classical mechanics and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and then turn
our attention to the Dirac equation.