但缩放较长的部分以便它们适合 pdf 页面。
以下是我所知道的 3 个解决方案。我更喜欢resizegather
,并且在这种情况下 上没有对齐&=
以下是我所知道的 3 种解决方案
No scaling done
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
&= (-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}\\
&= - \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}
Use align, and add adjust box to each line
U_1 &= \adjustbox{max width=1.2\linewidth}{$(-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}$}\\
&= \adjustbox{max width=1.2\linewidth}{$(-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}$}\\
&= \adjustbox{max width=1.2\linewidth}{$- \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}$}
gather, automatic scaling, but need to align them also. Is it possible?
U_1 = (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
= (-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}\\
= - \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}
Scale the whole align, using example from
\sbox0{\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
&= (-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}\\
&= - \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}\\
使用 lualatex 编译后得到
问题是:是否可以使用 align? 来使 resizegather 能够在需要时自动缩放,但保持方程式对齐&
[在 OP 在评论中解释说手动编辑单个方程式以获得最佳印刷效果是不可行的之后,我完全重写了答案。]
但是,修改逐行缩放方法使其 (a) 使用最大宽度0.9\textwidth
和 (b) 插入\displaystyle
指令可能没问题;请参见以下屏幕截图的第三部分。当然, 参数的原始宽度越大\adjustbox
\usepackage{mleftright}\mleftright % optional
%% handy shortcut macro:
\newcommand\newadjustbox[2][0.9]{% % default width: 0.9\textwidth
\adjustbox{max width=#1\linewidth}{$\displaystyle #2$}}
{\color{red}{No scaling}}
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
&= (-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}\\
&= - \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}
{\color{red}Global scaling (to \verb+\textwidth+) }
\noindent % <-- new
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
&= (-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}\\
&= - \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}\\
{\color{red}Add \verb+\adjustbox{max width=0.9\linewidth}{$\displaystyle+ to each line}
U_1 &= \newadjustbox{(-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}}\\
&= \newadjustbox{(-1)^{3} \int{ \frac{ \left(e^{x} \left(\left(2+6 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+3 \sin \left(2 x \right)\right)\right) \left(-8 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right) x -8 e^{3 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{3} x +4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{3}+4 e^{3 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}\right)}{\left(1\right) \left(64 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{4}+128 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right)^{2} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+64 e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{4}\right)} \, dx}}\\
&= \newadjustbox{- \int{ \frac{\left(-48 x^{2}-16 x -12\right) e^{4 x} \cos \left(2 x \right)^{2}+8 e^{4 x} \sin \left(2 x \right) \cos \left(2 x \right)+12 e^{4 x}}{64 e^{4 x}} \, dx}}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
Let allow, that this extreme wide equation may has a slightly smaller font size and that it can spill out of text borders. This can be achieved with use of \verb+\medmath+ defined in the \verb+nccmath+ package and \verb+adjustwidth+ environments defined in the \verb+changepage+ package:
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
&= (-1)^{3} \int
\frac{ \bigl(e^{x} (2+6x) \cos(2x) + 3 \sin(2x)\bigr)
\bigl(-8 e^{3x}\sin(2x)^{2}\cos(2x)x - 8 e^{3x}\cos(2x)^{3} x +4 e^{3x}
\sin(2x)^{3}+4e^{3x} \sin(2x) \cos(2x)^{2}\bigr)}
{(1) \bigl(64e^{4x}\sin(2x)^{4} + 128e^{4x}\sin(2x)^{2}\cos(2x)^{2} + 64e^{4x}
\, dx \\
U_1 &= - \int
\frac{(-48x^{2} - 16x -12)e^{4x}\cos(2x)^{2} + 8e^{4x}\sin(2x)\cos(2x) + 12e^{4x}}{64e^{4x}} \, dx
(正如@Mico 所建议的,现在已删除了他的部分答案),但是,由于某种原因,您不喜欢这样:
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x) }{a W(x)} \, dx}\\
&= (-1)^{3} \int
\frac{\splitfrac{\bigl(e^{x} (2+6x) \cos(2x) + 3 \sin(2x)\bigr)\cdot}
{\bigl(-8 e^{3x}\sin(2x)^{2}\cos(2x)x - 8 e^{3x}\cos(2x)^{3} x +4 e^{3x}
\sin(2x)^{3}+4e^{3x} \sin(2x) \cos(2x)^{2}\bigr)}}
{(1) \bigl(64e^{4x}\sin(2x)^{4} + 128e^{4x}\sin(2x)^{2}\cos(2x)^{2} + 64e^{4x}
\, dx \\
&= - \int
\frac{(-48x^{2} - 16x -12)e^{4x}\cos(2x)^{2} + 8e^{4x}\sin(2x)\cos(2x) + 12e^{4x}}{64e^{4x} \, dx}
附录: 还有一种可能性,所有方程式均具有正常字体大小:
U_1 &= (-1)^{4-1} \int{ \frac{F(x) W_1(x)}{a W(x)} \, dx}
\intertext{where are:}
& \begin{aligned}
W_1(x) & = e^{x} (2+6x) \cos(2x) + 3 \sin(2x), \\
W_1(x) & = \begin{multlined}[t]
-8 e^{3x}\sin(2x)^{2}\cos(2x)x - 8 e^{3x}\cos(2x)^{3} x +4 e^{3x} + {}\\
\sin(2x)^{3} + 4e^{3x}\sin(2x)\cos(2x)^{2}
\end{multlined} \\
\alpha & =1 \\
W(x) & = 64e^{4x}\sin(2x)^{4} +
128e^{4x}\sin(2x)^{2}\cos(2x)^{2} + 64e^{4x}\cos(2x)^{4}\bigr)
\intertext{which yields to:}
&= - \int
\frac{(-48x^{2} - 16x -12)e^{4x}\cos(2x)^{2} + 8e^{4x}\sin(2x)\cos(2x) + 12e^{4x}}
{64e^{4x}} \, dx