使用 apalike 风格的 URL

使用 apalike 风格的 URL

我目前正在写我的博士论文。我使用 apalike 样式,因为它在管理多作者的文章时没有问题(plainnat 和 IEEEtranN 有),但它有一个很大的缺点,就是它不生成可点击的 URL 字段(尽管可以使用 howpublished 来显示 URL)。

是否有人知道任何类似于 apa 的样式(在括号中引用文本并使用作者姓名),并且每个条目不会出现多个作者的问题并显示可点击的 URL?


编辑1:鉴于需要证明像 IEEEtranN 这样的风格在多位作者的情况下会出现问题,这里有一个例子

tex 文件:

    Testing citation \cite{urmson2008autonomous}


    author = {Urmson, Chris and Anhalt, Joshua and Bagnell, Drew and Baker, Christopher and Bittner, Robert and Clark, M. N. and Dolan, John and Duggins, Dave and Galatali, Tugrul and Geyer, Chris and Gittleman, Michele and Harbaugh, Sam and Hebert, Martial and Howard, Thomas M. and Kolski, Sascha and Kelly, Alonzo and Likhachev, Maxim and McNaughton, Matt and Miller, Nick and Peterson, Kevin and Pilnick, Brian and Rajkumar, Raj and Rybski, Paul and Salesky, Bryan and Seo, Young-Woo and Singh, Sanjiv and Snider, Jarrod and Stentz, Anthony and Whittaker, William and Wolkowicki, Ziv and Ziglar, Jason and Bae, Hong and Brown, Thomas and Demitrish, Daniel and Litkouhi, Bakhtiar and Nickolaou, Jim and Sadekar, Varsha and Zhang, Wende and Struble, Joshua and Taylor, Michael and Darms, Michael and Ferguson, Dave},
    title = {Autonomous driving in urban environments: Boss and the Urban Challenge},
    journal = {Journal of Field Robotics},
    volume = {25},
    number = {8},
    pages = {425-466},
    doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/rob.20255},
    url = {https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/rob.20255},
    eprint = {https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/rob.20255},
    abstract = {Abstract Boss is an autonomous vehicle that uses on-board sensors (global positioning system, lasers, radars, and cameras) to track other vehicles, detect static obstacles, and localize itself relative to a road model. A three-layer planning system combines mission, behavioral, and motion planning to drive in urban environments. The mission planning layer considers which street to take to achieve a mission goal. The behavioral layer determines when to change lanes and precedence at intersections and performs error recovery maneuvers. The motion planning layer selects actions to avoid obstacles while making progress toward local goals. The system was developed from the ground up to address the requirements of the DARPA Urban Challenge using a spiral system development process with a heavy emphasis on regular, regressive system testing. During the National Qualification Event and the 85-km Urban Challenge Final Event, Boss demonstrated some of its capabilities, qualifying first and winning the challenge. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.},
    year = {2008}

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